
Qld as smoke-free state: ‘This shouldn’t be a discussion’

Queensland’s chief health officer Jeannette Young has been named the state’s next governor and is vowing to try and make the state smoke-free. Our readers share their thoughts on the possibility.

Generic photo of cigarettes. Opened pack full of cigarettes closeup Picture: iStock
Generic photo of cigarettes. Opened pack full of cigarettes closeup Picture: iStock

Queensland’s chief health officer Jeannette Young has been named the state’s next governor and has already set herself a tough challenge.

When Dr Young ascends to her new job on November 1, she is vowing to try and make Queensland a smoke-free state.

She plans to continue to drive down smoking rates – down to 9% under her current leadership.

When The Chronicle asked its readers if they thought Queensland should become a smoke-free state, there was a division in answers, with about 60% agreeing it should and 40% suggesting it was a bad idea.

Facebook followers were quick to share their thoughts on the possibility, with a majority of people believing smokers should be able to make their own decisions.

Judy Kenna said: “Until it actually becomes illegal, stop dictating to people what they can and cannot do. People make lots of bad choices regarding their own health in many different ways, but the bottom line is, it is their choice to make.”

Dan Stark said: “This should not even be a discussion until there is a safe, free, effective, treatment for the addiction of smoking.”

Kira Rose said: “It’s up to the individual. I don’t like the smell and I don’t smoke, but that is my choice just like it’s a smokers choice to smoke.”

Mark Perrett said: “Just make smoking the same as alcohol – can be consumed in your home or a designated area pubs. If you can’t smoke out in the public area it does not affect other people.”

Mark Campbell said: “I do not like smoking, but I do not agree that they have their right to be taken away.”

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