
New winter shelter program needs funding to get off the ground

From living on the streets of Christchurch, to becoming the Priest-in-Charge of Toowoomba West Parish, Ms Harley wants to help others off the streets and back on their feet as part of the Winter Shelter Toowoomba pilot program.

A NICE WARM BED: After experiencing several months on the street as a teen in Christchurch, Reverend Pauline Harley is calling on Toowoomba businesses to donate to the Winter Shelter pilot so that the program can help local homeless people escape the cold for the night. Picture: Contributed
A NICE WARM BED: After experiencing several months on the street as a teen in Christchurch, Reverend Pauline Harley is calling on Toowoomba businesses to donate to the Winter Shelter pilot so that the program can help local homeless people escape the cold for the night. Picture: Contributed

Reverend Pauline Harley knows all too well exactly what is feels like to spend a cold winter night out on the streets.

Growing up in a dysfunctional family in Christchurch, Ms Harley was forced to navigate the anxiety, fear and bitterly cold winter nights that come hand-in-hand with homelessness when she was just 15-years-old after her mother’s boyfriend kicked her out of home.

She spent the next six months tirelessly working to find herself a job and turn her living conditions around.

Now the Priest-in-Charge of Toowoomba West Parish, Ms Harley wants to help others off the streets and back on their feet as part of the Winter Shelter Toowoomba pilot program.

“Lots of people are fortunate to never know the toll being homeless places on you,” she said.

“It’s extremely tiring because you’re cold all the time, you’re scared of the people and things that might target you in the night and you’re always worried about where you’re going to go next which makes it extremely hard to try and find a job and ultimately, a place to live.”

The Winter Shelter Toowoomba is an affiliate of the Stable One organisation, a program that has been successfully supporting people experiencing homelessness in Victoria for over six years.

Reverend Pauline Harley pictured on one of the camp beds generously donated by Living Grace Church. Picture: Contributed
Reverend Pauline Harley pictured on one of the camp beds generously donated by Living Grace Church. Picture: Contributed

The model brings together local faith communities to open their facilities to those without a place to stay, providing beds, free meals, a caring community and support services.

Lifeline’s Winter Shelter Toowoomba pilot program will operate during the months of June, July and August in close co-operation with seven local church groups, supporting up to ten people per night for ninety-two nights.

Ms Harley and Lifeline Darling Downs are currently calling on Toowoomba businesses to help make the winter shelter a reality by getting behind the program and donating funds.

“We’re going to need $25,000 to get the program off the ground and so far we only have just over $8,000 so we have a long way to go,” she said.

“The shelter program has been fortunate to receive a donation of ten camp stretchers from Living Grace Church which will provide ten people with warm beds each night but we’re still needing funding to provide meals, hot water, electricity and bedding each night.

“This Winter Shelter will be a chance for Toowoomba’s homeless to sleep a little easier for a night, have a warm meal, wash their clothes and take a shower so that they can feel a little safer, warmer and more prepared to fight another day.

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“I know how cold a night on the streets in winter can be so I know how much these people are going to appreciate being given this opportunity.”

For more information on how you or your business can support the Winter Shelter Toowoomba, head to the Lifeline Darling Downs website here.

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