
Iconic Black Forest Hill Cuckoo Clock Centre’s possible change to Clock and Bull Brewhouse

A long-standing venue north of Toowoomba is set to undergo a reinvention in the coming months. See the plans and concept designs here.

Damien Matthews is the new owner of the Black Forest Hill in Cabarlah and hopes to transform it into the Clock and Bull Brewhouse. Monday, April 11, 2022. Picture: Nev Madsen.
Damien Matthews is the new owner of the Black Forest Hill in Cabarlah and hopes to transform it into the Clock and Bull Brewhouse. Monday, April 11, 2022. Picture: Nev Madsen.

An iconic “ticking” venue is set to undergo reinvention with an onsite brewery, restaurant, picnic and retail outlet.

Subject to local and state government approval, Cabarlah’s Black Forest Hill Cuckoo Clock Centre will be renamed Clock and Bull BrewHouse later this year, hopefully in time for Oktoberfest celebrations.

“This cuckoo clock has been an icon for 30 odd years, but it needs reinventing, and this will do that and be a draw card for the region,” new owner Damien Matthews said.

The building would have a restaurant, known as the ChowHouse, which would be situated at the front and would feature Australian and German products.

A smaller retail unit would be to the right of the main dining room, which would still feature authentic German products, as it does now.

Concept design of Clock and Bull BrewHouse- subject to approval by local and state governments.
Concept design of Clock and Bull BrewHouse- subject to approval by local and state governments.

Towards the back of the building will be the brewery and bar site, with access to an outdoor pet-friendly picnic area with a designated play area.

“It’s all about making the venue community and family focused,” Mr Matthews said.

“A typical European or British type of pub is a meeting and gathering place for the community, and we want to do the same thing here.”

Mr Matthews said he was confident about the prospective business’s success due to the expanding district.

“This northern side of Toowoomba is a real growth area, and the feedback we have had to date has been overwhelmingly positive, which says that we’re on the right track,” he said.

The iconoic Black Forest Hill Cuckoo Clock Centre could undergo a reinvention is approved by local and state governments. Picture: Nev Madsen.
The iconoic Black Forest Hill Cuckoo Clock Centre could undergo a reinvention is approved by local and state governments. Picture: Nev Madsen.

“In general, the community wants it.

“We’re not just another brewery or restaurant.

“We want to be different.

“I think this building will provide us with the opportunity to be different.”

Mr Matthews said while they would look to the future, it was important to remember the centre’s past and the part it had played for generations of residents.

“We’ve tried to capture (the nostalgia) in the name,” he said.

“It’s a connection with the past, and the fact we will keep a retail section here is keeping us attached to what it always has been.

“We’re very excited.”

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