
How Toowoomba North Greens candidate Alyce Nelligan responded to debate questions

Here’s how Toowoomba North Greens candidate Alyce Nelligan would have answered the debate questions.

Replay – Toowoomba North live debate: Candidates go head-to-head ahead of 2020 QLD election

TOOWOOMBA North Greens candidate Alyce Nelligan has taken to social media to answer questions asked during the Toowoomba North election debate.

The Greens were invited to the debate several weeks ago, but candidates hadn’t been announced by the time the debate had to be finalised.

Instead, Ms Nelligan took to Facebook to answer the questions raised in the debate.

Here is what she had to say.

Opening pitch:

I am passionate about social justice, about improving our communities and creating a healthier and happier society.

I have a strong track record of advocating for our community, especially for people with disabilities.

I have experience and the motivation to work for you.

Our plans for public health, education, transport and housing for Toowoomba?

As I announced with Senator Waters and Thomas Coyne on Thursday, we will create 135 jobs for doctors and nurses in Toowoomba, build 11 new health clinics and ensure you can afford to go to the doctor.

We will spend $125 million over the next four years in public schools to increase teacher numbers, decrease class sizes and abolish fees.

We will build 3000 social homes in Toowoomba creating 600 jobs and reduce the 1600 person wait list.

We have a very strong plan for improving the Toowoomba region.

A new road for Highfields?

I would suggest proper public transport to Highfields before we go adding new road ways.

We have no proper public transport for our regional areas to come into Toowoomba.

Noise complaints on the Toowoomba Bypass?

I commit to meeting with the community around this issue.

This is not something I have been aware of and am willing to find a solution.

How do we ensure we get through the COVID-19 economic crisis locally?

Our plan for the downs has been deeply informed by the COVID-19 crisis.

Our policy for health, public housing and schools are all in response to that.

We need to commit to funding these sectors to ensure everyone can get the health support they need, to have an affordable and accessible home if they loose their job or home due to COVID-19 and that while times are tough can afford to send their children to school.

We need to work on job creation and our plan works to ensure everyone is safe during COVID-19 and the recovery.

Will I commit to the new Toowoomba Hospital project?

We have a strong plan for health in Toowoomba and this pandemic has helped everyone realise the extent of the under funding and under resourcing in our area.

We will work to provide 11 new public health clinics and I would lobby that our hospital is expanded.

Do I support the approval of stage three of the New Acland Coal mine?

I am absolutely opposed to the expansion of the coal mine.

As a nation and a state we should be moving away from coal as an energy source.

We have one of the best food producing areas in the state and we must stand with farmers, preserve our water and move away from coal.

I support a move to other manufacturing projects and renewable energy projects that will support the workers in the mining industry to move to new jobs.

We can support them to do that so no worker is left behind.

It’s time.

We already have those projects beginning here on the Downs, with solar farms starting up.

We have a way forward.

LNP preferencing Labor last on how to vote cards:

We do not do deals. Your vote is yours and our cards are only a suggestion. Your preferences are your choice alone.

I object to Trevor’s assertion that (the Greens) are job destroyers. Our plans are fully costed and we will create jobs in health and construction in North Toowoomba. We will create 600 jobs creating public housing alone.

Trevor Watts’ party:

As someone with a disability who had to shield during the pandemic (I) found Trevor’s actions deeply worrying.

Quick fire questions:

Do you support fast rail to Brisbane: Yes.

Do you support the Wagner’s Wellcamp Entertainment Precinct: I need to learn more about this project.

Super Rooster or Crackerjack Chicken: Crackerjack! No question haha!

Final pitch:

If you would like to know more or talk to me about any issue I am available.

I love the Toowoomba region, am passionate about politics and want to ensure positive change.

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