1/18Emily Kay partnered student David Conlan.
D Downs Christian School formal
Darling Downs Christian School formal at Gips restaurant.
2/18Matthew Pieper.
3/18Jack Carruthers.
4/18Tamryn Hudson.
5/18Matthew Calvert partnered student Pascale Dore.
6/18Matthew Calvert partnered student Pascale Dore.
7/18Paige Batterham and Bohdan Sidor.
8/18Olivia Bizzell partnered by Gior Wilkins.
9/18Christina-Marie Fletcher partnered by Michael Donahoe.
10/18Christina-Marie Fletcher partnered by Michael Donahoe.
11/18Winy Mabur partnered by Luday Kiri.
12/18Georgie Welke partnered by Robert Thomson.
13/18Georgie Welke partnered by Robert Thomson.
14/18Tabitha Allen and Julian McMicking.
15/18Emily Kay partnered student David Conlan.
16/18Mickayla Higgins partnered by Bradley Edser.
17/18Travis Booth.
18/18Travis Booth.
Original URL: https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/toowoomba/d-downs-christian-school-formal/image-gallery/ef5f0b9b2818400e70d821193a34b067