
Revealed: How region’s graduates are achieving 70k starting salaries

Toowoomba university graduates are achieving the highest starting salaries in Australia, with an average of $70,000. Here’s why.

USQ's vice-chancellor Professor Geraldine Mackenzie says the latest results highlight the university's ongoing commitment to quality education and excellent career outcomes.
USQ's vice-chancellor Professor Geraldine Mackenzie says the latest results highlight the university's ongoing commitment to quality education and excellent career outcomes.

When it comes to graduate salary rankings and employment outcomes, the University of Southern Queensland has once again come out on top.

The Good Universities Guide recently released its rankings for 2022, revealing USQ graduates have the highest starting pay in Australia, with an average starting salary of $70,000.

USQ vice-chancellor Professor Geraldine Mackenzie said the university had developed practical and relevant programs through industry partnerships, ensuring graduates were prepared to enter the workforce.

“Our university has consistently been recognised for its excellence in undergraduate career success, and these rankings confirm our proven track record,” Professor Mackenzie said.

“(USQ’s) number-one priority will always be our students, and they are setting a national best when it comes to graduate starting salaries and employment outcomes.”

The university also received a five-star ranking in undergraduate full-time employment, social equity, first generation students and postgraduate learning resources, student support and overall experience.

“These rankings show comprehensive and well-rounded results for the university from employment outcomes, learning resources and student support to other areas of great importance such as social equity and first-in-family students,” Professor Mackenzie said.

“This demonstrates that despite the disruptions caused by COVID-19, the University of Southern Queensland was consistent and dependable in providing students with a positive educational experience with strong graduate outcomes.”

Results were obtained through nationwide student and graduate surveys, as well as higher education data.

Universities that reached the top 20% in quality of educational experience, overall employment rates of graduates and the median salary of graduates, were awarded with five-star ratings.

The Good Universities Guide 2022 – Top 13 graduate salary ratings in Australia:

• The University of Southern Queensland – $70,000

• University of Tasmania – $68,900

• University of New England – $68,900

• Charles Darwin University – $68,000

• CQ University – $67,800

• Charles Sturt University – $66,800

• James Cook University – $65,300

• UNSW Sydney – $65,200

• Southern Cross University – $65,000

• Swinburne University of Technology – $65,000

• University of Canberra – $65,000

• Curtin University – $65,000

• The University of Notre Dame Australia – $65,000

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