
Region set to sleep under stars to help 500 locals with homelessness

Find out how your contribution will help about 500 people across the Toowoomba region currently struggling with homelessness.

Ready for Vinnies Community Sleepout

With about 500 locals currently being affected by homelessness, residents in the Toowoomba region have been given an opportunity to make a major difference.

It was one of many events that were unable to go ahead last year due to Covid-19 but now the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) and Vinnies Sleep Out is back.

With the purpose of raising money and awareness for homelessness during the cold winter months, funds raised help to provide essential support to people in need.

CAMPING CAUSE: Preparing for Vinnies Community Sleepout are (from left) USQ students Alexis Wendt and Sophee Smith with Julie Inskip of St Vincent de Paul Society. Picture: Kevin Farmer
CAMPING CAUSE: Preparing for Vinnies Community Sleepout are (from left) USQ students Alexis Wendt and Sophee Smith with Julie Inskip of St Vincent de Paul Society. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Vinnies Toowoomba executive officer Kathie Brosnan said there were two Sleep Out style events that Toowoomba residents could take part in.

“We’re partnering with USQ to do a Vinnies community Sleep Out and that will go in conjunction with the state’s CEO Sleep Out,” Ms Brosnan said.

“Business people from Warwick, Toowoomba and across the region are encouraged to partake in the CEO Sleep Out which they can do virtually by sleeping in their car or the backyard.

“While USQ students and staff invite members of the community to attend their Sleep Out event at the Toowoomba campus.”

Ms Brosnan said all proceeds raised through USQ Toowoomba’s Sleep Out event would remain in the region to assist locals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

“We’re so grateful to USQ for coming on-board and for their ongoing support,” she said.

“A lot of local schools usually get involved too and send students from 5 to 9pm which helps young people in the community to understand what’s going on and be made aware too.”

SLEEP OUT: Participating in the USQ and Vinnies Sleep Out event is pro vice-chancellor (students) Professor Josh Pienaar. Picture: Kevin Farmer
SLEEP OUT: Participating in the USQ and Vinnies Sleep Out event is pro vice-chancellor (students) Professor Josh Pienaar. Picture: Kevin Farmer

In 2019 the inaugural event raised almost $7000 for an accommodation project with this year’s goal set at $10,000 to support long-term social housing in the Toowoomba region.

This year the event will consist of food, activities, live music and guest speakers with individual or team participants welcome.

Vinnies Queensland chief executive officer Kevin Mercer said the funds raised from the event help with providing food, clothing and emergency accommodation to people in need.

He said the work doesn’t stop there for Vinnies as the charity continues to offer ongoing support and help people to maintain their tenancy.

“It’s not rare for people to come to us with support with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their back (including) people escaping a violent home situation with their kids or who have been living on the streets with no belongings or place of their own to call home,” Mr Mercer said.

“Many people we support have kids of their own and hearing the stories of children with no home and how it impacts their mental and physical health is just heartbreaking.

“Every bit of support we can provide makes a difference, but we can’t do it without the community’s help.”

ALL SET: Preparing for the big Sleep Out event next month are USQ student Alexis Wendt (front) and Julie Inskip of St Vincent de Paul Society. Picture: Kevin Farmer
ALL SET: Preparing for the big Sleep Out event next month are USQ student Alexis Wendt (front) and Julie Inskip of St Vincent de Paul Society. Picture: Kevin Farmer

The USQ and Vinnies Sleep Out event will be at USQ’s Engineering Green on Friday, July 30.

To register click here or here.

For more information phone (07) 4631 2650 or email

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