Panoramic ocean views
Bartender’s tequila binge ends in motorway motorcycle crash
A Sunshine Coast bartender has been found extremely drunk at the scene of a motorcycle crash after he had a huge night on tequila at a house party.
‘Stupid s–t’: Woman’s vulgar, violent clash before facing assault charge
A Sunshine Coast courthouse was briefly thrown into chaos when a woman clashed with security guards, including calling one a “stupid s--t” and a “piece of s--t”, before her scheduled hearing.
VOTE NOW: Help us pick our next cover photo
More than 40 pictures have been put into the race to become this masthead’s next cover photo on social media. See the gallery and vote in the poll.
‘Insides exploded’: Driver charged after friend’s face-shattering crash
The driver, allegedly on drugs, has been charged, and missed his first court date, over a horrific crash which left his friend with a shattered face, exploded bowels, broken ribs, and a brain injury. NAME, DETAILS.
Key document goes ‘MIA’ in young man’s rape case
A 20-year-old Sunshine Coast man facing multiple rape and sexual assault charges has had his case delayed after the brief of evidence went missing, forcing a court adjournment.
Qld Hydro helps restore GP services in Imbil
Gympie doctors Jeffery Lee, Randal Davis, Georg Pienaar and Karl Berge-Venter will share duties at the new Imbil clinic, while Queensland Hydro pays the rent and utilities.