
Son of slain grandmother Suellen Pike speaks out as killer Stephen Pike roams free

Fifteen years after her horror death shocked Queensland, Suellen Pike’s son has broken his silence as his killer sibling roams free.

Stephen Pike is taken into custody for the manslaughter of his mother Suellen Pike.
Stephen Pike is taken into custody for the manslaughter of his mother Suellen Pike.

Stephen Pike’s brother has broken his silence nearly 15 years after his mother’s horrific manslaughter as his killer sibling roams free.

Stephen was found guilty in 2013 of the manslaughter of his frail mother Suellen Pike, 62, in 2010. He was sentenced to just 10-and-a-half years behind bars and has since been released but Mrs Pike’s body has never been found.

“It’s difficult … somewhere out there is my mum,” Suellen’s eldest son Adam Pike told The Sunday Mail.

“I just don’t want to walk down the street one day and run into (my brother) … I know he did it.”

Mrs Pike was killed just weeks after the Gold Coast pensioner had changed her will, making Stephen Pike sole beneficiary of her estate.

In an exclusive interview, Adam revealed he wore a police wire as he probed his brother about their missing mother. “He kept telling me different stories,” Adam said.

Speaking about the trial, Adam said: “I didn’t face him or look at him.

“He left a trail of evidence for days … I don’t know what he was thinking … if anything did happen by mistake he should have just owned up straight instead of doing what he’d done.”

Evidence led from a witness at trial revealed that during a drunken party on August 28, 2010, when referring to his mother, Stephen Pike told a friend he could “knock her off” now the house was in his name.

Adam Pike has shared the last photo ever taken of his beloved mum Suellen Pike and daughter Meeyah before the 62-year-old was killed by his brother Stephen
Adam Pike has shared the last photo ever taken of his beloved mum Suellen Pike and daughter Meeyah before the 62-year-old was killed by his brother Stephen

“When I heard that, I just thought that’s insane … what sort of person could do that to their mother,” Adam said.

Adam said he had been estranged from his brother for some time.

“There was a lot of abuse … He would live with Mum for a little bit and then she would have enough and kick him out, then he’d be back again,” he said. “We just didn’t get along for starters, which was strange for brothers. He was just a totally different person to I think the way Mum brought us up.

“I see myself as a pretty grounded, normal person and he had a lot of very strange views. He was a really mean, nasty person … he was very aggressive.”

In 2013, Adam applied to the Supreme Court for an order that his mother’s estate be distributed to him, instead of his killer brother.

Applying the forfeiture rule, Justice Ros Atkinson said Stephen could not benefit from unlawfully killing his mother and ordered his elder brother Adam get her entire estate.

Mrs Pike made three wills. The first, in 2009, left 80 per cent of the residuary estate to Adam, 10 per cent to Stephen and 10 per cent to a friend.

A second will in 2009 divided her estate equally between her two sons.

But on July 15, 2010, Mrs Pike made her final will, appointing Stephen as her executor and trustee and leaving him her whole estate.

Adam shared with The Sunday Mail the last photo he ever took of his beloved mother, cradling his then-newborn daughter Meeyah. “She was a great mum … Meeyah still talks about her grandmother.”

Originally published as Son of slain grandmother Suellen Pike speaks out as killer Stephen Pike roams free

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