
Violent offences that shocked in Roma courts in 2023 | List

From drug fuelled assaults to terrifying domestic outbursts, Roma courts dealt with an alarming numbers of violent offences this year. We recap some of the matters sentenced in 2023. SEE THE LIST.

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The Maranoa region saw a number of people sentenced for violent crimes in 2023. From drug-fuelled rampages to domestic violence offenders, here are some of the people to face Roma courts for violent offending.

Man terrorises town in search for drugs

Shaun Lindsay Dunn, a notorious violent offender, was found guilty by a jury of striking a man with a machete and shattering another man’s leg in two separate incidents, all in a desperate attempt to find drugs.

In the first incident, Dunn kicked through a screen door and wooden door, before using a machete to strike the home’s occupant in the head. The victim was left with a serious, but not life threatening laceration to his head.

Shaun Lindsay Dunn found guilty in Roma District Court of burglary, armed assault, grievous bodily harm and serious assault of a police officer.
Shaun Lindsay Dunn found guilty in Roma District Court of burglary, armed assault, grievous bodily harm and serious assault of a police officer.

In the second incident, Dunn approached the home of a family member, demanding to take his epilepsy medication. The interaction resulted in Dunn shattering the family member’s leg and continuing to kick him after he fell to the floor. Dunn left the victim to drag himself into his house to call emergency services.

Dunn’s previous criminal history includes prior convictions for stabbing two people, resulting in the death of one, and numerous assaults against prison guards during previous stints in jail. Dunn was found guilty at trial of burglary, assault while armed and grievous bodily harm. He was sentenced in the Roma District Court to 10 years and four months imprisonment.

He will be eligible to apply for parole after serving seven years.


Christmas Day bashing

Steven Kapele Daniel’s victim suffered a broken nose and fractured eye socket after Daniel struck him twice on Christmas Day 2022.

Roma District Court was told earlier this year that Daniel had stopped his vehicle on the side of the road and appeared to be in a heated argument, and the victim had approached him in an attempt to help before he was struck.

Daniel, a former nursing student, had a long and violent criminal history which stemmed from his prolonged alcohol abuse. Crown prosecutor Matt Le Grand described Daniel as a “danger to the public in a real sense”.

Daniel pleaded guilty in the Roma District Court to grievous bodily harm while adversely affected by an intoxicating substance. After Judge Ken Barlow KC declared 291 days of pre-sentence custody as time served, Daniel was sentenced to three years in jail for the grievous bodily harm charge and a suspended six month prison sentence was fully activated to be served concurrently. A parole release date was set for March 2024.

Daniel was also handed a 50 hour community service order to be completed within 12 months of release.


Preacher’s violent outburst

Travelling preacher, Adam Trent Delaney, pleaded guilty to striking a police officer in the face and smashing a window in a Charleville pub.

Roma Magistrates Court was told that police were called to a Charleville pub on September 11, where Delaney had smashed a large window. Delaney ignored police commands to co-operate, and while they attempted to restrain him, Delaney struck one officer in the face. The altercation resulted in police having to taser Delaney.

Delaney was convicted for wilful damage and assaulting a police officer causing bodily harm. He was not further charged for the wilful damage charge but was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment, wholly suspended for 18 months for the assault police officer charge.

Convictions were recorded.


A travelling preacher smashed a window of Hotel Corones on September 11. Pic Mark Cranitch.
A travelling preacher smashed a window of Hotel Corones on September 11. Pic Mark Cranitch.

Drug fuelled machete attack

Jessi John Skinner pleaded guilty in October to attacking a man with a machete, resulting in the victim needing reconstructive arm surgery.

The court was told Skinner, the victim, and their respective partners were all living on the outskirts of the Roma townships together when Skinner on March 21 Skinner consumed a quantity of methylamphetamine before becoming aggressive with a man known to him before assaulting him with the machete.

Skinner pleaded guilty in the Roma District Court to grievous bodily harm and was sentenced to four years in jail with a parole eligibility date fixed for July 29, 2024.


Man headbutts and bites woman

A 28-year-old Roma man pleaded guilty in Roma Magistrates Court in March this year to causing bodily harm, common assault and breaching a domestic violence order. He committed two serious assaults against the victim, a woman who was known to him, after he accused her of cheating.

In the first assault, the man smacked her in the face, headbutted her, and put his hands around her neck. In the second assault, which took place after a domestic violence protection order was put in place, the man bit the woman on the cheek and drew blood.

The man came before the court with a five-page criminal history and two previous prison sentences dating back to 2013 and 2016 relating to DV offences.

He was sentenced to 18 months in jail with a parole release date of April 7, 2024.


The Roma court houses have heard an alarming amount of violent matters.
The Roma court houses have heard an alarming amount of violent matters.

Known domestic violence abuser strikes again

A 27-year-old Roma man pleaded guilty after he contravened a domestic violence order and assaulted a woman.

After a domestic argument, the court was told the man threw a light at a TV to smash it, and threatened to throw a PlayStation at another TV. The woman was able to show the court footage of the man grabbing and pushing her.

The man had 14 prior domestic violence convictions, primarily against the same aggrieved, ranging from technical breaches to actual violence.

He pleaded guilty in Roma Magistrates Court to common assault, contravening a domestic violence order and wilful damage. He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with a parole date fixed for December 22, 2023.


Roma man assaulted woman, taunted police

Ian Thomson, 52, pleaded guilty in Roma District Court to threatening police and assault occasioning bodily harm after he punched a woman during an argument before threatening police officers with the Wieambilla tragedy.

In October Roma District Court was told on February 22 police received a call to attend a Roma address regarding a violent incident after a verbal argument between Thomson and the victim escalated to physical violence that included Thomson pushing the victim, dragging her across concrete by her hair and punching her.

Following his arrest, the court was told Thomson told officers ‘Oh well, we’ll see what happens, that’s just my opinion, sh-t happens like Wieambilla, hey’.

Judge Ken Barlow declared 239 days of pre-sentence custody as time served and sentenced Thomson to two years and three months in jail. A parole release date was set for November 22 2023.


Originally published as Violent offences that shocked in Roma courts in 2023 | List

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