
Troy Malcom Sawdy fined $7400 over back pay non compliance

The sole trader of a Queensland housekeeping company has been hit with a huge fine after ignoring demands to back pay employees. DETAILS

Troy Malcom Sawdy, who is a sole trader running the business Sawdy Pastoral Company, will now have to ante up $7400 following orders from the Federal Circuit and Family Court.
Troy Malcom Sawdy, who is a sole trader running the business Sawdy Pastoral Company, will now have to ante up $7400 following orders from the Federal Circuit and Family Court.

The owner of a Central Queensland housekeeping company has been hit with a huge fine after ignoring demands to back pay employees.

Troy Malcom Sawdy, who is a sole trader running the business Sawdy Pastoral Company, will now have to ante up $7400 following orders from the Federal Circuit and Family Court.

This comes two years after the fair work watchdog launched legal action against Sawdy for underpaying three workers.

As a result Sawdy also had to back pay the trio about $9448, plus superannuation.

The regulator began investigations after receiving help requests from the workers, who had been employed as full-time cleaners and housekeepers between July and December 2020.

A Fair Work inspector issued compliance notices to Sawdy in March and June 2021 after forming the belief the workers had been underpaid minimum wages, overtime rates and annual leave entitlements.

Sawdy then failed to comply with the notices that required he calculate and back the workers and the Fair Work inspector began legal proceedings in mid 2022.

Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth said business operators that fail to act on Compliance Notices need to be aware they can face penalties in court on top of having to back-pay workers.

“When Compliance Notices are not followed, we will continue to take legal action to protect employees,” Ms Booth said.

“Employers who fail to act on these notices risk substantial penalties and back-pay orders.

“Any employees with concerns about their pay or entitlements should contact us for free advice and assistance.”

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