
Ipswich sex pest who broke into home and assaulted woman while she slept walks free

A self-declared sex addict who assaulted an Ipswich woman in her bed after breaking into her home was to be released from jail, following a failed bid to have them marked as a dangerous sex offender.

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An Ipswich offender who broke into a random Riverview home and sexually and physically assaulted a woman after finding her asleep in her bed will not be deemed a dangerous sex offender and was given a parole date despite continuing to offend while in jail.

The offender, Marley Keenan Lavell Fisher, was brought before the Brisbane Supreme Court on June 17, 2021, because the Attorney-General applied for Fisher to be deemed a dangerous sex offender before she was released back into the community.

During the application hearing, the court heard Fisher was involved in 35 varied incidents while serving out a two-year jail term for attacking the Riverview mum on August 23, 2013.

Judge Kelly said Fisher broke into the woman’s home to steal but when she saw the woman asleep in bed she decided to sexually assault the woman.

“The victim woke and a struggle ensued,” Judge Kelly said.

“The victim scratched the respondent and they both fell to the floor.

“The respondent then slammed the victim’s head into the floor a couple of times.”

The court heard the woman’s 18-year-old daughter went to her aid after waking to sounds of distress and Fisher fled through a window.

“The victim suffered a cut and swollen right lower lip, bruising to her right ankle and abrasions to her knuckles and elbow,” Judge Kelly said.

“She suffered from consequent psychological harm and became timid and frightened at night.”

In 2014 Fisher pleaded guilty to entering a dwelling at night with intent, attempting to enter a dwelling at night with intent, sexual assault and a breach of a suspended sentence.

Judge Kelly said the defendant was eligible for parole on October 25, 2015, however on that day Fisher — who identifies as a transgender woman — sexually assaulted a prison guard after asking for help to complete a laundry form.

“[Fisher] pushed her erect penis into the female corrective services officers arm as she leaned across her computer,” Judge Kelly said.

After pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the guard, Fisher, now 26, was sentenced was to one month jail to be served cumulatively with her existing sentence.

Judge Kelly said on another occasion Fisher seriously assaulted a corrective services officer.

“She has been involved in approximately 35 incidents since 2013 which have variously involved violence against other prisoners and staff, self harm, damage to property, offensive behaviour and indecent or sexual acts,” Judge Kelly said.

“[Her] behaviour … involved exposing herself, attempting to touch a female officer on her head or face area, masturbating in front of female [staff] and rubbing up against other prisoners.”

The court heard mental health assessments showed Fisher had issues with cannabis addiction, borderline, narcissistic, and anti-social personality disorders.

Fisher also told health professionals she was a sex addict.

In regards to the Attorney-General’s application for Fisher to be deemed a dangerous sex offender upon her release, Judge Kelly dismissed the application.

“[There is] unanimous view of the psychiatrists that the respondent posed no risk to children … [and] supports the conclusion that there is a much below average risk … of the respondent committing a serious sexual offence.

“[However], evidence demonstrates to a high degree of probability that, upon her release into the community, the respondent is very likely to commit a sexual offence.

“The type of sexual offence likely to be committed is one involving indecent behaviours such as impulsive exposure, masturbation in public or indecently touching [grown women].”

After spending more than eight years behind bars, Fisher was eligible for release on June 23, 2022.

Originally published as Ipswich sex pest who broke into home and assaulted woman while she slept walks free

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