
Trinity College boy missing on Mt Larcom, found after 10-hour search

A prestigious private school has defended an extraordinary excursion disaster where a lost student was stranded on a Queensland mountain, sparking a major search into the small hours.

A prestigious Queensland college insists negligence is not to blame for an excursion emergency where a school student became lost, triggering a 10-hour search in rugged terrain.

More than 30 Year 10 students from Gladstone’s Trinity College students climbed Mount Larcom on September 6.

This publication has since confirmed however that during the climb, an emergency unfolded as teachers discovered one student was missing.

SES crews were notified at approximately 3:30pm that day and began searching for the missing boy.

Gladstone SES Controller Doug Savage confirmed on Thursday 40 emergency workers and volunteers had been involved in the search including SES members, police, RACQ’s CapRescue helicopter, school staff and the boy’s family.

“We sent people up the mountain and couldn’t find him … by midnight it was so dark, we just couldn’t see anything and we had to call off the search,” Mr Savage said, adding the SES had planned to return in force at first light the following morning, but the boy’s parents had continued searching and found him about 1.30am.

SES Controller Doug Savage helped lead a search for a missing Trinity College student at Mount Larcom. Photo: FILE
SES Controller Doug Savage helped lead a search for a missing Trinity College student at Mount Larcom. Photo: FILE

He said it was not uncommon for people to go missing during the climb.

“The paths aren’t in great condition, and it’s very easy to get stuck going the wrong way.

“Everybody involved did a marvellous job, and it was a really positive outcome.”

Trinity College Gladstone principal Mark Lewis said strict protocols were in place for any excursion” and while the incident had highlighted parts of those protocols which needed to be tightened, no disciplinary action would be taken against any of the three staff present that day.

Trinity College Gladstone is a K-12 Christian College. Picture: Supplied.
Trinity College Gladstone is a K-12 Christian College. Picture: Supplied.

“No one has been negligent in their duties,” Mr Lewis said

“We follow stringent formation protocols on any excursion, by always having teachers in the front and at the back of the group.”

It is understood the student took a wrong path as the group left the summit and was discovered missing prior to the rest of the staff and students reaching the base.

“We called the family after he had been reported missing, and I hiked up the path with them for several hours during the initial search,” Mr Lewis said

He also explained paramedics on site assessed the boy for injuries, but he was deemed fit to go home.

“We have since been in communication with the boy’s parents, who have thanked us for how we handled the situation.”

Originally published as Trinity College boy missing on Mt Larcom, found after 10-hour search

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