
Time running out to register for 10th Botanic to Bridge

Businesses urged to get decked out in their corporate colours for the August 18 race.

Gladstone 2018 Botanic to Bridge fun run. Picture: Mike Richards GLA190818FRUN
Gladstone 2018 Botanic to Bridge fun run. Picture: Mike Richards GLA190818FRUN

BUSINESSES are being encouraged to team up at this year's Botanic to Bridge as the clock ticks down to the start of the 10th anniversary event.

With hundreds of registrations hitting the database overnight, the B2B team is gearing up for the final week of registrations.

Gladstone Ports Corporation acting CEO Craig Walker said with only five days left to register online, the team were busy working on the final preparations.

"Our B2B team work closely with local events company Gladstone Festivals and Events to deliver the race that stops Gladstone,” Mr Walker said.

"Registrations are just flying in. We're currently tracking over 500 registrations ahead of this time last year, it's truly great to see the figures.

"We're just blown away at the community's support for the event, it's fantastic to see it so successful in its 10th year.”

Gladstone 2018 Botanic to Bridge fun run. Picture: Mike Richards GLA190818FRUN
Gladstone 2018 Botanic to Bridge fun run. Picture: Mike Richards GLA190818FRUN

Mr Walker encouraged businesses to follow the lead of Rio Tinto Yarwun if they hadn't already done so.

"We've had an overwhelming response from local groups and industries registering large teams, such as Rio Tinto Yarwun, who have registered the biggest team in the event,” Mr Walker said.

Rio Tinto general manager Mark Gilmore said its employees and their families had been signing up to the Botanic to Bridge for years.

"It is great to come together to help the community raise funds for a good cause, enjoy the Gladstone Marina Parklands and get fit along the way,” Mr Gilmore said.

"This year our Rio Tinto Yarwun team numbers have grown to 275 participants.

"We will be wearing our red Rio Tinto caps, so please come and have a chat, we look forward to seeing you all there.”

Online registrations close at 10am next Thursday, with complimentary race merchandise sizing limited.

Register today at

Originally published as Time running out to register for 10th Botanic to Bridge

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