
Darren James Ashman, 32, pleaded guilty to seven charges in Gladstone Magistrates Court

A Central Queensland drug offender whose criminal record has 23 drug related offences in the past five years was back before a Magistrate on Friday for more drug charges. Find out the facts behind his offending here:

A prolific criminal who has amassed 23 drug related offences on his record in the past five years appeared in Gladstone Magistrates Court on Friday on more drug charges.

Darren James Ashman was described by a senior police prosecutor as “having no remorse for his actions and did not appear to care about being charged”.

Ashman, 32, appeared via videolink from Capricornia correctional facility and pleaded guilty to seven charges including possessing dangerous drugs and a Category H firearm.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Merrilyn Hoskins told the court that on November 26 2021, around 9.25am, Gladstone police executed a search warrant on Ashman’s Ann Street unit.

“Police searched the lounge room of the unit where a glasses case was found under a brown bum bag under a coffee table,” Ms Hoskins said.

“In the glasses case police found one clip seal bag which contained 0.6 grams of marijuana and another which had .09 grams of methamphetamine in it.

“Ashman admitted to police he had a “sesh” prior to the police arriving.”

After refusing police access to both his phone and a tablet, despite them outlining it was an offence to do so, they continued their search of Ashman’s unit.

Darren James Ashman, 32, pleaded guilty on Friday in Gladstone Magistrates Court to seven charges including possessing dangerous drugs.
Darren James Ashman, 32, pleaded guilty on Friday in Gladstone Magistrates Court to seven charges including possessing dangerous drugs.

Police located an esky in the living room under a large duffel bag which contained two shortened 12-gauge shotguns with three shotgun rounds of ammunition.

When questioned about the weapons and ammunition, Ashman said he went fishing with a friend who had left the esky in the boot of his car.

Ashman said he had messaged his friend to remind him to pick up the esky, however, would not unlock his phone for police to confirm his version of events.

Ashman’s lawyer Cassandra Ditchfield said her client had suffered from drug addiction for most of his life, which was no surprise given his horrific criminal record.

“He has made multiple and genuine efforts at rehabilitation for himself and also complied with probation and parole orders,” Ms Ditchfield said.

In sentencing, Acting Magistrate Ron Muirhead said any penalty he imposed on Ashman had to act as a deterrent to him and others.

“I need to demonstrate to the community that people cannot deny police access to technology during an investigation, nor possess firearms of any kind,” Mr Muirhead said.

Ashman was convicted and sentenced to 21 months imprisonment, with a parole release date set on June 26, 2022. Convictions were recorded.

Originally published as Darren James Ashman, 32, pleaded guilty to seven charges in Gladstone Magistrates Court

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