
Boyne Island water supply cut by vandals

"It's disappointing”: foolish act causes unnecessary inconvenience to about 1000 residents

Water supply was cut to parts of Boyne Island after a break-in into the Lilly Hills Reservoir. Picture: John McCutcheon
Water supply was cut to parts of Boyne Island after a break-in into the Lilly Hills Reservoir. Picture: John McCutcheon

WATER supply for parts of Boyne Island was unexpectedly cut on Saturday afternoon after a break-in at the Lilly Hills Reservoir.

Gladstone Regional Council operations general manager John Tumbers estimated 1000 Boyne Island residents went without water for about three hours while the council worked to solve the issue.

Council staff were called to Boyne Island's Lilly Hills Reservoir at about 3.15pm after receiving reports from residents who had little to no water.

Mr Tumbers said someone allegedly cut through the fence surrounding the reservoir before gaining access to the valves and turning off the water supply.

"It's disappointing that someone would do that,” Mr Tumbers said.

He said it was a "purposeful act” and was unsure why anyone would do it.

"The fences were up, the gates were locked and they cut a hole in the fence,” Mr Tumbers said.

Mr Tumbers said there was no evidence to suggest water quality was compromised, however as a precautionary measure the council and Gladstone Area Water Board staff restored water supply from the Boyne Island Reservoir.

Water supply was returned at about 6pm on Saturday.

Testing will be carried out before the Lilly Hills Reservoir is put back into service.

Gladstone Regional Council mayor Matt Burnett said the act caused unnecessary inconvenience to residents.

"We take it absolutely seriously because it's the water supply,” Cr Burnett said.

Mr Tumbers said the council would review security measures at the reservoir.

"We will react and do what we need to do to ensure that people have safe and reliable water ... when people do something deliberately to turn the water supply off, that's disappointing,” he said.

Mr Tumbers said the reason some residents had cloudy water come through their taps following the incident was because of "air in the network”.

Anyone with concerns about water quality should contact the council and anyone with information regarding the breach is asked to contact Police Link on 131444.

Originally published as Boyne Island water supply cut by vandals

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