
Top-notch support for emergency birth

Gatton mum Lacee Buzza thanks the health system for saving her first child Zia's life.

TOUCH AND GO: Lacee Buzza with daughter Zia. Picture: Meg Bolton
TOUCH AND GO: Lacee Buzza with daughter Zia. Picture: Meg Bolton

GIVING birth to her first child was far from routine for Gatton mother Lacee Buzza, but she said the system who supported her couldn't have been better.

At her 37 week scan, Ms Buzza was told when waters broke the umbilical cord would prolapse meaningshe would have to give birth in a matter of minutes.

"We had four minutes to have her delivered or she would die,” Ms Buzza said.

Living more than forty minutes from the closest hospital providing birthing suites, going home wasn't an option.

Ms Buzza was checked in to Ipswich Hospital and told to decide whether she wanted to give birth naturally or via caesarean.

The following day Ms Buzza was induced and gave birth to her daughter Zia on August 25, but the complications did not end there.

"The birth was easy compared to everything else that happened,” Ms Buzza said.

"She was born purple not breathing so they did CPR on her and then 15 doctors came in to try and revive her.

"They delivered Zia and realised they didn't have the capacity to look after so they sent a retrieval team of specialised cardiac doctors to pick her up from Ipswich and transport her safely to the NICU at the Mater.”

The Neonatal Retrieval Service supports regional centres by transporting premature or critically ill babies to life-saving treatment via road ambulance, helicopter or fixed wing aircraft.

West Moreton Health Executive Director Community and Rural Services Melinda Parcell said the hospitals operate closely to ensure all patients have access to the required treatment.

"Those presenting with serious injuries or illness will be stabilised and transferred to Ipswich Hospital or another specialist facility to ensure the best level of available care is provided to the community,” she said.

Ms Parcell said babies are not birthed at rural hospitals to ensure women and their babies have access to specialist care and emergency surgery.

During the birth, Ms Buzza sustained a cut artery, but to stay close to her newborn child she was also transferred to Brisbane.

Before Ms Buzza even arrived, Brisbane Ronald McDonald house had arranged accommodation for her and her partner to stay in while Zia received treatment.

"It was super scary obviously but it was reassuring because they had all of the right people in place to deliver the best care.”

Zia was admitted to the Mater NICU where she stayed for three days before being transferred to the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital for heart surgery.

Ms Buzza said she the health system operated like a "well-oiled machine”.

"The whole system is fantastic actually - everyone has a role to play and they all played it superbly. The (Lockyer) Valley is an important link in the chain, their role shouldn't be undervalued,” she said.

Ms Parcell said the system prioritises the health of patients.

"The safe, quality delivery of care is about ensuring we provide the right care at the right time, and in the right place,” Ms Parcell said.

After spending more than a week in Brisbane, Ms Buzza and her partner Josh Martell were able to bring their daughter home.

"The discharge plan allowed us come home- we have to go to the doctor all the time they just give a plan to Ashleigh my doctor and she just monitors her,” Ms Buzza said.

"She manages it from here and if anything is wrong then we go straight back to Brisbane.

"I'm super thankful for the referral approach the GP's and hospitals have adopted.”

While women in the Lockyer Valley are required to travel to give birth, West Moreton Health Interim Executive Director Medical Services Dr Eleri Carrahar said they were working on making services more accessible.

"Across the past 12 months West Moreton Health has expanded its community antenatal service to deliver more care closer to home,” she said.

It has not yet been confirmed whether birthing services will be included in the regional sized hospital which will be built in the Lockyer Valley subject to government approval.

Originally published as Top-notch support for emergency birth

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