
Bianca Louise Lucas-Simple sentenced at Dalby District Court after assaulting a man and his grandson

A Western Downs woman sobbed as details of her shocking assault were revealed, with a court told she attacked a man with a golf club and kicked a 13-year-old boy. Details of the brazen attack here.

Australia's Court System

A woman, who already was on probation, has faced court again after she attacked a man with a golf club then kicked his 13-year-old grandson during a shocking assault.

Bianca Louise Lucas-Simple appeared at Dalby District Court on July 20 after she attended a Western Downs home calling for the teen boy to come outside, before launching an attack on his grandfather.

Crown prosecutor Cameron Wilkins said the 24-year-old woman yelled for the boy to come outside on April 13, 2021.

“(His mother) told her to leave, however she didn’t and walked onto the patio and made threats of violence,” he said.

The teen boy went next door and told his mother’s parents what was happening, before they also walked over to the property and told the woman to leave.

“She walked over to the complainant, had a golf club in her hand, swung and struck him on his arm,” Mr Wilkins said.

She then struck the man again with the golf club this time hitting him “far more seriously” to the eye, which caused a blood vessel to burst as well as cuts to the cornea.

“As this was going on, there were still fights breaking out over the property,” Mr Wilkins said.

“(Lucas-Simple) returned from her car and kicked (the boy) to the back, which was the common assault charge.”

The court was also told the woman continued to yell and swear once authorities arrived, and that she denied and downplayed her involvement in the assault.

Defence barrister Douglas Wilson said the woman had since moved towns following the breakdown of a relationship, but in the last few months had “developed optimism” in turning her life around.

Judge Alexander Horneman-Wren SC acknowledged the woman’s difficulties with her ex but called her behaviour “abhorrent”.

“You need a personal deterrence, you have committed these types of offences on multiple occasions,” he said.

Lucas-Simple pleaded guilty to two counts of assault occasioning bodily harm, one count of common assault and public nuisance.

She was sentenced to 18 months’ jail with an immediate parole release date.

Originally published as Bianca Louise Lucas-Simple sentenced at Dalby District Court after assaulting a man and his grandson

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