
Dalby photographer Katie Robertson named finalist in the Queensland Gives Photo Challenge

A Dalby photographer has been selected as a finalist in a state photography competition for her piece depicting two cowboys deep in conversation at the Dalby Show.

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A Dalby photographer has been selected as a finalist in a Queensland photography competition for her piece focused on men's mental health in a rural setting.

Photographer Katie Robertson’s piece Chat with the Old Man depicts a father and son deep in conversation at the Dalby Show and was selected as one of five photos in the finals of the 2024 Queensland Gives Photo Challenge.

“It was just a photo I casually snapped between different horse events,” she said.

“I glanced over and saw my good mate Mickey talking with his dad and it was one of those heartwarming moments I thought I’d grab on camera and share with them.

“There is still such a stigma around men's mental health and it portrays a young son looking up to his dad seeking that approval and advice and even second guessing himself because that's what men do, they will tell us the good things but they won’t let us know the bad things going on inside their minds.

“This photo shows the big smile on the cowboys face as he gets the approval from his dad.”

Dalby photographer Katie Robertson took this photo of two cowboys deep in conversation, which has been named as a finalist in a Queensland photography competition.
Dalby photographer Katie Robertson took this photo of two cowboys deep in conversation, which has been named as a finalist in a Queensland photography competition.

Ms Robertson said regional areas were full of inspiration for photographers wanting to capture the reality of life in Australia.

“I think rural is what Australia is, you think of America you think of Washington or New York, when I think of Australia I think of rural outback and without our farmers we are nothing,” she said.

“A lot of my work is getting in touch with friends and saying can I take some photos on your farm, work on my skill set, build up my repertoire and then I give them the photos back as a thanks.”

Ms Robertson said she was honoured to be nominated for the award.

“I was gobsmacked I actually cried, it is a pretty big thing,” Ms Robertson said.

“My husband told me to focus on entering in the bigger competitions this year and to have them share my post was pretty cool but to have that email saying you’ve been selected I cried.

“It is really special to know I am being recognised for telling a story and telling my version of rural life.”

Queensland Gives chief executive Tara Castle said this year’s judges had a real challenge before them, having to choose one ultimate winner from a quality field of hundreds of entries.

“Our photo challenge competition attracted hundreds of amazing photographs which capture the spirit of generosity that exists right throughout Queensland,” Ms Castle said.

“They are a real celebration of individuals who support others and help create at better community for all of us, and show just how many talented photographers we have right across the state.

“It was a very difficult task to choose just five finalist photos, each of which has a compelling backstory and captures the essence of philanthropy, kindness and giving.”

The 2024 Queensland Gives Photo Challenge winner will be announced at the official launch of 2024 Queensland Philanthropy Week at Parliament House on Monday, June 3.

The winner will receive a $2000 donation for their favourite charity, with Ms Robertson selecting Are you Bogged Mate?, along with $500 individual prizemoney.

Originally published as Dalby photographer Katie Robertson named finalist in the Queensland Gives Photo Challenge

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