
Minister’s office responds to Woorabinda community concerns

A Central Qld council is getting State Government support to help it “get up to date with their financial statements”.

Local Government Minister Ann Leahy and Minister for Transport and Main Roads Brent Mickelberg during a previous visit to Woorabinda.
Local Government Minister Ann Leahy and Minister for Transport and Main Roads Brent Mickelberg during a previous visit to Woorabinda.

Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council is getting State Government support to help it with financial workloads to allow councillors more time to spend delivering outcomes for their community.

A spokesman for the Local Government Minister Ann Leahy said the Department of Local Government Director-General would be appointing a financial controller and a governance adviser to assist the council with its financial bookkeeping.

The spokesperson was responding to The Morning Bulletin’s questions about community meetings being held in Woorabinda over concerns about “administration of the council coming into effect”.

The council is not in administration but the spokesperson said it is getting assistance to help it “get up to date with their financial statements”.

“This will simply enable the mayor and councillors to get on with the job of delivering for their community,” the spokesperson said.

“The mayor, councillors and interim CEO will continue to perform their roles as normal.”

Procurement for the adviser and financial controller is currently in progress.

The Local Government Act 2009 empowers the department’s chief executive to provide additional support to councils through the appointment of specialist advisers.

A social media post on the What’s Happening in Woorie Facebook page advised a public meeting was being held on Wednesday, March 19 about the situation with an invitation for the mayor to attend to provide answers.

Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council was approached for comment but did not respond.

Originally published as Minister’s office responds to Woorabinda community concerns

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