
The state of play or non-play right now with Bundy sports

The NewsMail takes a look at the state of play with most sports in the region and when they look like returning after the coronavirus pandemic.

Piper Nowland with the ball for Brothers Lightning. Netball could be a sport to return in the next two months after the coronavirus pandemic eases.
Piper Nowland with the ball for Brothers Lightning. Netball could be a sport to return in the next two months after the coronavirus pandemic eases.

SPORT: As the coronavirus pandemic starts to ease, somewhat, and restrictions start to ease, some sports in Bundy are making plan to return to the field.

Here is the state of play at the moment.

To have your sport’s information included, email shane.jones@news-mail. and we’ll add it.

Bund­aberg Rugby League and North­ern Dis­tricts Rugby League

All rugby league has been post­poned un­til June 1, in­clud­ing train­ing.

The QRL will assess the situation on May 19 when Queensland Health looks at COVID-19 restrictions.

The BRL has in­di­cated it would re­turn on June 26 if play­ers are al­lowed to train on June 1.

The NDRL is wait­ing on di­rec­tion from the QRL about what to do with the start to its sea­son.

AFL Wide Bay

AFL Queens­land will provide an update in the week of May 11.

Com­mu­nity com­pe­ti­tions, which AFL Wide Bay is part of, are postponed un­til May 31.

Foot­ball Queens­land Wide Bay and Foot­ball Bundy

Foot­ball Queens­land has post­poned all com­pe­ti­tions un­til June 30, de­spite Aus­tralia’s peak body, the Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion Aus­tralia, say­ing the sus­pen­sion will be in place un­til May 31.

FQ is planning on returning on that date and has set up plans to do it.

Bund­aberg Net­ball

Bundaberg Netball Association in line with Netball Queensland is suspending all competition until June 30.

Netball Queensland is having a board meeting on June 1 to further look into it.

Bund­aberg Hockey

Bund­aberg Hockey As­so­ci­a­tion has post­poned all com­pe­ti­tion un­til May 31 and is look­ing at a June start.

Bund­y Bas­ket­ball

Bundy Sta­dium is un­til fur­ther no­tice.

Bund­aberg will have to wait to play in the Queens­land State League as well, with that com­pe­ti­tion post­poned un­til May 31.

Bundy Touch

Queens­land Touch announced on April 17 that all competitions in the state had been tem­po­rarily sus­pen­sed un­til June 1.

The Central Queensland Bulls junior championships have also been postponed to a later date.

Bundy Swim Academy

All lessons and squad train­ing were sus­pended un­til fur­ther no­tice on March 24.

Bund­aberg Cy­cling Club

All com­pe­ti­tions and ac­tion at Kevin Brog­den Velo­drome have been sus­pended.

But riders can still cy­cle alone or with others, mak­ing sure they ad­here to so­cial dis­tanc­ing.

Bund­aberg Gym­nas­tics and Gymfin­ity

Both clubs have closed their gyms for the time be­ing but both are do­ing on­line cour­ses to get their gym­nasts through the tough times.

Bundy Mo­tor­sport

The Shed Al­liance Bund­aberg Mo­tor­plex, Bund­aberg Karts and Bund­aberg Power­boats have can­celled all events com­ing up due to the coron­avirus.

Rac­ing will restart when the re­stric­tions have lifted.

Bundy Ta­ble Ten­nis

Bundy Ta­ble Ten­nis closed its ta­bles at Ken­dalls Rd on March 23 and will wait un­til re­stric­tions ease to open again.

Bundaberg Tennis

Social singles tennis is looking like returning next Wednesday, May 11.

The Bundaberg and District Junior Tennis Association is holding one-on-one lessons with juniors wanting lesson.

For more information or to make a booking, phone Murray Whitbread on 0407 639 824 or Kevin Banner on 0409 520 753 to book.

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