
Picking the best Pixar movie for an animated night at home

YOUNG movie buff Joseph Akers shares his reviews of every Pixar animation so far.

Joseph Akers has shared his thoughts on Pixar animations. Picture: Vanessa Marsh
Joseph Akers has shared his thoughts on Pixar animations. Picture: Vanessa Marsh

THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD movie buff and film lover Joseph Akers has put together a list of his reviews of each Pixar animation so far. 

Joseph rates his movies with what he calls Joeden stars - a combination of words meaning "Joe's golden stars".

Wall-E was a great movie, according to Joseph.
Wall-E was a great movie, according to Joseph.
  • Toy Story - Toy Story is the first film to come out of Pixar Animation. This was computer animated. It doesn't look like The Lion King, Aladdin or any other 2D animated film. This is 3D animated. Toy Story looks great for 1995, and the voice talents are extremely well done... Tom Hanks as Woody is spectacular. 4.5/5 Joeden Stars.
  • A Bug's Life - It lives up to it's expectations. Although not being as solid as Toy Story, it is still visually stunning and the voice talents are great. Everything looks extremely fragile. The animation is extremely well-done. 4/5 Joeden stars.
  • Toy Story 2 - Now, this is my favourite Toy Story film. Introducing Joan Cusack as Jesse was the wisest thing the franchise has ever done. The voice talents are great and Joan Cusack steals the show. 5/5 Joeden stars.
  • Monsters Inc. - The animation isn't as great as the two Toy Story's or a Bug's Life... It's good... but not great. But it does send positive messages about friendship. The script feels too kiddy, there isn't much for adults. Billy Crystal as Sully is well done. 3.5/5 Joeden stars.
  • Finding Nemo - One of the best things to come out of Pixar to date. It looks fabulous and feels fabulous. It is funny and a delight to watch. Ellen Degeneres as Dory makes Dory one of my favourite Pixar characters. 5/5 Joeden stars.
  • The Incredibles - Now... I do appreciate that they explored the superhero genre... I just wished they did a spectacular job with it. It relied on other plot lines that have already been used to get the story going. The animation is great. The voice talents are great. The script is okay and the story feels used. 3/5 Joeden stars.
  • Cars - Cars is a fun and energetic movie that raced out from Pixar. It is funny, clever and extremely charming. 4/5 Joeden stars.
  • Ratatouille - Not a great thing to come out from Pixar. The animation is superb... but in its second act, it has nothing to do. 2.5/5 Joeden stars.
  • Wall-E - What a blast! This movie is extremely clever... Wall-E is an interesting character, and he is extremely well developed without talking. It can be really funny and really sweet. 4/5 Joeden stars.
  • Up - Up is really funny. It uses it's animation very well. I am even thinking about buying it on 3D Blu-Ray! The voice talents are great. The script is very well written, and the plot is extremely well developed as are the characters. 4.5/5 Joeden stars.
  • Toy Story 3 - One of the most visually stunning Pixar films. It looks great and feels great in 3D! I would say rush to your video shop and buy it! It is really productive from the first two films. 5/5 Joeden stars.
  • Cars 2 - The worst film to come out of Pixar Animation for sure. This movie is barely funny nor enjoyable. Sure, it looks visually stunning, but that isn't enough to keep a movie going. 1.5/5 Joeden stars.
  • Brave - Brave takes its time with animation, and the voice talents are like an innocent little baby ;) I think you should go and buy Brave... now! 4.5/5 Joeden stars.

Alright, so this was my list of Pixar films... I hoped you enjoyed it. If you would like to see a DreamWorks one of these comment below! And make sure you check out my other reviews, Joe.

Finding Nemo was a huge hit and now, finally, it will have a sequel.
Finding Nemo was a huge hit and now, finally, it will have a sequel.

Originally published as Picking the best Pixar movie for an animated night at home

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