PHOTOS: Hundreds head to Burnett Heads for Sounds of Rock festival
The Sounds of Rock crowd turned up in waves for the festival in Burnett Heads on Saturday night. See some of the photos here:
1/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Triple M crew having a blast at the festival.
2/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Christine Bell, Marissa McKillop, Justin Bell, Jeremy Rogger and Ben Wilmott eager for a night of fun at the festival.
3/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Darryl Rampton and Paul Woodbury enjoying the festival at Burnett Heads.
4/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Jacelyn Woodrowe and Natasha Schwehla enjoying an afternoon of live music.
5/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Bailey Warbuton, Russell Gahan, Damian Warburton and Callum Dobson enjoying the festival.
6/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Andy Kernke and Jason Kevne enjoying the festival.
7/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Glenn and Raelene Whalley enjoying an evening of rock music.
8/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Chelsea Walker and Dana Houston enjoying the festival.
9/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Jessica Whitney, Wendy Warburton, Lara Watts and Ally Gahan enjoying the festival.
10/26Hundreds of people made their way to Burnett Heads for the Sounds of Rock festival this weekend.
11/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Tracie and Bruce Richards and Tanya Kelly enjoying the festival.
12/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Warren and Vanessa Gilbert enjoying a night of live music at Burnett Heads.
13/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Jess, Elena, Kim and Dale having a blast at Burnett Heads.
14/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Lisa Jensen and Kathy Zunker enjoying the festival.
15/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Jess, Elena, Kim, Georgie, Miranda and Dale having a blast at Burnett Heads.
16/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Jenny and Paul enjoying the festival at Burnett Heads.
17/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Glenda and Tim Bradshaw enjoying the festival at Burnett Heads.
18/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Guy Barbera and Katey Mahoney enjoying the festival in Burnett Heads.
19/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Bradley. Nicko and Cath Healy having a great night at the festival.
20/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Sue and Ted Blackburn and Kerry Partridge at the festival.
21/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Anne Ivic and John Hills enjoying the music festival.
22/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Jackie and Shannan Smith enjoying the festival.
23/26SOUNDS OF ROCK: Kimberley and Dylan Keam enjoying the festival.
24/26Hundreds rocked up to Burnett Heads for the Sounds of Rock Festival on Saturday night.
25/26Hundreds rocked up to Burnett Heads for the Sounds of Rock Festival on Saturday night.
26/26Hundreds rocked up to Burnett Heads for the Sounds of Rock Festival on Saturday night.