12 beautiful photos of vintage weddings in Bundaberg
There’s something especially lovely about a vintage wedding, from the old school charm to the varied yet breathtaking range of gowns. When our readers shared their wedding snaps for Valentine’s Day, we just had to say “I do” to a gallery of retro weddings. See the photos.
1/12Mavis Christensen and her husband married 61 years ago.
2/12Rieckie Muchow's wedding in 1980. The pair were aged 22 and 18.
3/12Lynice and Jason Cousins celebrated 20 years married this month. "Been together for about 30 years all up," they said.
4/12Judi Hellmuth shared this snap - 36 years married.
5/12Jillian Beasley's wedding in 1987, the pair will celebrate 35 years in April.
6/12Heather Teichmann shares her wedding photo from 1976.
7/12Michael J Eardley shared this lovely pic.
8/12Oden and Trina Olley, November 1, 1997.
9/12Robyn Gaffel, married October 1, 1977.
10/12A lovely photo shared by Nick Page.
11/12Joy Martin shared this photo from December 13, 1992.
12/12Shan Boston shared this memory, they're celebrating 19 years' of marriage on Tuesday.