

Brisbane State High School videos show terrible acts including girl being pulled on a chain

A girl is dragged along the ground by a chain, while in another incident, a girl fights a boy. These shocking videos reveal what’s going on inside one of Brisbane’s best schools.

School fights and distressing acts involving students at BSHS

Exclusive: Disturbing social media videos of students from Queensland’s most popular high school, including a flare-wielding student hooning through a public park crowd on a motorbike, schoolyard fist fights and a female student dragged with a chain around her neck, have sparked claims inappropriate behaviour has spiralled out of control.

Brisbane State High School students have been caught on camera engaging in a number of distressing acts, with parents calling for tougher punishments and mobile phones to be banned, amid allegations a culture of online bullying has been allowed to flourish.

With more than 3417 students, BSHS is the largest in the city, with the school consistently rivalling $30,000 per year elite private schools in academic results and is the only public school invited to take part in the illustrious GPS sporting competition.

But The Sunday Mail can reveal a number of alarming social media posts including one video which shows a laughing girl with a chain around her neck, being dragged along like a dog by a male peer.

Two girls fight in the playground at Brisbane State High School as other students disgracefully cheer and film on their phones.
Two girls fight in the playground at Brisbane State High School as other students disgracefully cheer and film on their phones.
A girl in a light coloured hoodie, right, is seen in a fist fight with a boy while another person films them.
A girl in a light coloured hoodie, right, is seen in a fist fight with a boy while another person films them.

Another video, which was understood to be taken last week, showed a throng of at least 50 high school students in a public park, while a teen rode through the baying crowd on a motorbike holding a flare above their head. It was understood to be a Year 12 “party”, with kids allegedly also drinking alcohol at the event.

A separate video shows a girl confronting another female student in the schoolyard urging her to fight, before attacking her in front of dozens of students – many of them recording the incident on their mobile phones. Several punches are thrown before other students intervene and pull them apart.

An image of a bloodied student from another school, after being involved in a fight with a student from Brisbane State High School.
An image of a bloodied student from another school, after being involved in a fight with a student from Brisbane State High School.

The Sunday Mail has also obtained an image of a child from another school smiling at the camera with blood dripping from his mouth and his teeth dislodged after one brawl allegedly involving a BSHS pupil.

A Department of Education spokesman said the school was not aware of the Year 12 “party”, and said the video of the chain incident took place in mid-2021 and “was dealt with immediately once the school became aware”.

One parent, who asked not to be named for fear their child would be targeted, said school fights which were then shared widely online had become a common occurrence, and claimed the videos were indicative of a disturbing culture being allowed to fester.

“I think discipline within the school is of huge concern,” they said.

“If students cannot feel safe at school, where can they feel safe?”

They also said kids were copying what they see online and there is a culture among some boys of “slut shaming” girls if they report inappropriate behaviour.

“The social media and school based bullying is terrible and the way kids talk to each other is disgusting with little to minimum consequences,” the parent said.

“We’ve seen text messages where girls call each other ‘whore’, ‘c***’ and ‘n*****’. While the school has a good academic reputation, what about its social reputation?”

The parent said banning mobile phones in schools would prevent some of these incidents being recorded and glorified on social media and help stop some of the online bullying, which they claim occurs in class via private group chats on Snapchat.

BSHS confirmed it was aware of “a number of unacceptable videos circulating online involving students from the school”.

A female student is filmed being dragged around the playground with a ‘leash’ around her neck.
A female student is filmed being dragged around the playground with a ‘leash’ around her neck.

Lyn Swanson Kennedy from Collective Shout, which campaigns against the sexualisation of women and girls, said the girl with a chain around her neck is a “reflection of a culture where girls are belittled and treated as less than human”.

“That to me is not just silliness, they don’t get this idea from thin air,” Ms Swanson Kennedy said.

“They are heavily influenced by what they see on social media and from pornography. This type of degrading treatment of girls is normalised.”

The Department of Education spokesman said “the school does not tolerate anti-social behaviour by its students in any form or setting and will take the appropriate actions in response to situations where such behaviour occurs,” he said.

“Like all Queensland state schools, Brisbane State High School is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment.

“The school has applied consequences for students involved in line with the school’s Student Code of Conduct and also to those students involved in filming the incidents.”

Originally published as Brisbane State High School videos show terrible acts including girl being pulled on a chain

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