
Minns under pressure to scrap shark nets after turtle deaths more than double

Premier Chris Minns has given environmentalists and activist councils a major concession on shark nets even as his government insists that it is striking “the right balance” between protecting marine life and humans.

Shark nets to be REMOVED early this summer

Premier Chris Minns has given environmentalists and activist councils a major concession on shark nets even as his government insists that it is striking “the right balance” between protecting marine life and humans.

Minns has been under intense pressure from ecoactivists and coastal councils to scrap the shark net program as early as this year.

Environmentalists have gone so far as threatening to take the government to court.

It is understood Environment Minister Penny Sharpe has been threatened with legal action over the impact the nets have on turtles.

A turtle caught in NSW Shark nets. Turle deaths have more than doubled from six last year to 11 this year.
A turtle caught in NSW Shark nets. Turle deaths have more than doubled from six last year to 11 this year.

They argue that 11 turtles were killed during this year’s season, up from six last year; one of them was 1.5 metres long and thought to be over 100 years old.

The Premier, himself a keen surfer, has been caught between a rock and a hard place. He ultimately wants to remove shark nets, but has insisted they will remain in place until a suitable replacement is found.

The government is investing more money in SMART drum lines, listening stations, and drones.

Minns could argue taking down shark nets a month earlier in the year is a minor concession. But the government is also giving local councils a greater say in their future use.

Despite Minns last year suggesting there was a “ways to go” before shark nets could be replaced, Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty is now talking up the idea that coastal councils will be able to avoid shark nets entirely if they come up with their own “local safety arrangements”.

“If individual councils want to work with us on local decisions, they also have to work with us on the responsibility for keeping people safe,” she said.

Exactly what “arrangements” councils would have to come up with remains unclear.

Sydney’s beaches are one of our greatest drawcards. Government data says tourism would take a major hit if shark attacks increase.

In trying to protect the safety of turtles, Minns cannot erode the safety of swimmers.

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Originally published as Minns under pressure to scrap shark nets after turtle deaths more than double

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