

NT Covid mandate’s unknown impact on volunteer firefighter, emergency services numbers

Emergency services are still taking stock of the hit to volunteer numbers following the Territory’s vaccine mandate.

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UPDATE: EMERGENCY services are still taking stock of the hit to volunteer numbers a month after the Territory’s vaccine mandate came into force.

A NT PFES spokesman confirmed all volunteer firefighters and emergency service workers were required to be vaccinated.

He said the volunteers, like NT PFES employees and contractors, were considered workers in high-risk and frontline settings and therefore were legally required to be vaccinated.

“Volunteers are required to provide evidence of their vaccination status to their supervisor, which registered with NT PFES,” he said.

The latest annual NT PFES report said its volunteer troops included 297 fireys across seven brigades and 286 emergency volunteers over 22 units.

“NTES and NTFRS are currently working through the number of volunteers this (mandate) impacts,” the spokesman said.

All volunteers were required to prove they had received at least one dose four weeks ago, on November 12, with their second dose due by Christmas Eve.

EARLIER: FIREFIGHTERS stood down as part of the Covid vaccine mandate are being terminated and denied their annual leave, despite it already being ­approved.

The NT News can reveal nine firefighters are being terminated because they are ­unvaccinated.

However, United Workers Union NT branch secretary Erina Early said most were on approved annual leave and would not have gone to work for “months or even years”, with some planning to use the time to explore their options and assess their vaccination status.

“It is disgraceful that our firefighters, many of whom have taken their well-deserved leave to travel and see family or friends interstate for the first time in two years are now being issued termination notices,” Ms Early said.

“Firefighters who have planned to spend the annual leave they have saved up for years to spend Christmas with family now have a termination notice sitting under the Christmas tree.

“It is embarrassing that a Labor government shows such disregard for the procedural fairness rights of firefighters in the Northern Territory.”

An NT government spokesman said public sector workplaces were “abiding by the chief health officer’s vaccination direction”.

“Approximately 400 workers have been either stood down without pay pending a decision on their conduct, or have now been terminated,” he said. “This process is managed by the CEOs of government departments. This process is anticipated to be completed soon and further information can then be provided.

“Our new (pay) offer will not affect the delivery of ser­vices across the Territory, ­offers a strong reward to our hardworking public servants, and ensures departments stay within their budgets.”

Ms Early said the lack of mandate process consistency among departments showed the government had “lost control of the public service”.

“Each department has an entirely different approach, and there is no consistency or accountability,” she said.

“While Correctional staff receive apologies and retractions of disciplinary notices ­issued to them while on leave, the NTFRS is doubling down and now dismissing firefighters.”

Ms Early said it was a major workforce loss for the NT.

“We can’t afford to throw away qualified firefighters ­because Michael Gunner will not allow flexibility for a small minority of hardworking firefighters,” she said.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation NT branch and NT Police Association have not reported any terminations yet.

Originally published as NT Covid mandate’s unknown impact on volunteer firefighter, emergency services numbers

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