
Kate Dinning: Territory Dry Season coming to an end

We’ve got two long weekends in a row, and then we’re coming into the last month of the Dry Season – sometimes it’s hard to fit it all in, writes Kate Dinning.

How good is the feeling of heading out on the open road on the Friday of a long weekend? That’s me - coming to you from the car on my way to Lake Argyle for a cheeky three-day weekend.

I am happiest on the highway at sunrise, knowing that the day is going to be full of adventure.

One of my absolute favourite (and I think wildly underrated) drives in the NT is the Victoria Highway, at sunrise, with country music playing.

Today’s sunrise song was Train by Jackson Dean – put it on and picture heading over the Victoria River, driving towards red cliffs, covered in palms trees, and spotting the first boab as you come around the corner. We are so lucky!

Friends, we’ve got two long weekends in a row, and then we’re coming into the last month of the Dry Season – sometimes it’s hard to fit it all in, so I always write myself a ‘dry season list’ to make the most of it.

t’s not a bucket list – because I plan to do it all more than once – but it just helps me focus on the things that I want to direct my energy into when I have spare time.

This Dry Season I’ve taken advantage of many weekends away, camping in Litchfield at Walker Creek, at Dundee on some bush blocks and in an Airbnb, and even a couple of Farm stay weekends.

Lake Argyle
Lake Argyle

As I’ve mentioned in previous columns – I’ve taken a drive to Katherine and stopped to swim in waterfalls and read tourist signs, and jumped on the ferry over to Mandorah.

I’ve enjoyed almost every event the Dry has had to offer, and tried and tested almost every new bar and venue that has opened.

So, what’s still on my list for this Dry?

Well, I am sure you’ve all bought your Darwin Festival tickets, and there’s also the Darwin Cocktail Festival next weekend - but if you need to fill some gaps on your August weekends, have you ever been to the hole in the wall wine shop in Spain Place?

Liquor Down Under sometimes do wine tastings on weekends, which seems like a fun way to spend a Dry Season Saturday in the city.

While we’re on Saturday mornings - water-skiing is something you can only try in the Dry before the stingers sneak back into the harbour – book it in with the Darwin Ski Club while you can.

If you’ve ticked all your favourite campsites off, there’s likely one missing: Maguk! According to management, it is hopefully opening in early August - keep an eye on Parks Australia for dates.

There’s a couple of very Territory things featuring on the list still too – have you been to Katherine Cup?

A handful of my friends go every year and tell me it’s one of the best of the country races.

If you’re not the friend with a boat - find a friend with a (big enough) boat – and put it into the Adelaide River for a trip up to Goat Island to see King Kai for a beer and a look at his pet crocodile Casey.

Another bit of good Territory croc action that’s still on my list for the year, is to take my new bird book (Is this the 30s? Birdwatching?) and park up at Cahills Crossing for a bit of croc spotting and bird watching.

And on the way back I want to return to the quirky historic NT icon – the Pine Creek Railway Resort.

Make sure you admire the pressed tin roof in the train themed cabins.

So, your activity for today?

Grab a pen and paper and write your Dry Season list for August.

Originally published as Kate Dinning: Territory Dry Season coming to an end

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