
WTF: Our cheering leaders, voting fines, scam Pam

Well, this certainly wasn’t the image we expected to come across our desk. But it certainly captured our attention.

Frustrating or fantastic?
Frustrating or fantastic?

They’re the little – and sometimes not so little – things that can really irk us. We’ve asked the people of Geelong to point out the problems that irritate and exasperate and have us all saying, woah, that’s frustrating!


Geelong councillors featured in an odd Instagram post.
Geelong councillors featured in an odd Instagram post.

Well, this certainly wasn’t the image we expected to come across our desk.

Instagram can famously be a rogue place, but nothing could prepare one of WTF’s internet bloodhounds for what he witnessed after opening the app – outside of company time, of course.

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Pro-Palestine groups and the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network’s (IPAN) local page collaborated on a post revealing what appeared to be an exclusive, albeit unverified, image of some Geelong councillors jumping for joy.

Decked out in cheerleading outfits emblazoned with the Avalon Airshow logo, no less.

“How have they swung this?” the sleuth thought, imagining the hassle of mustering them all, let alone finding matching outfits.

Alas, disappointment replaced elation when, upon further inspection, telltale signs emerged that the image had been digitally altered.

None more obvious than newbie councillor Rowan Story’s flowing blonde locks.

And, unfortunately, we remain in the dark about You Yangs councillor Chris Burson’s ability to do the splits.

Given the picture is doctored, we have a couple of critiques.

The gender imbalance is striking, omitting all three female councillors.

The second is the message, which reads, to us anyway: “Airshow love the we you the love weapons expo”.

We are committed to decoding this message and will report the results.


People queued for hours outside the Victorian Electoral Commission’s Geelong office in October to vote in local government elections – or more accurately, to avoid being fined.
People queued for hours outside the Victorian Electoral Commission’s Geelong office in October to vote in local government elections – or more accurately, to avoid being fined.

Did the dog really eat your ballot paper or was the dearth of quality candidates the deciding factor?

Cue the excuses as the Victorian Electoral Commission seeks answers as to why 530,000 people across the state, including 38,000 in the City of Greater Geelong alone, failed to vote in last year’s local government elections.

Individuals face a $99 fine, which could result in a $3.75m windfall for City Hall given the relevant council receives the revenue.

Fines worth a further $845,000 could be generated from the 8529 electors across the Surf Coast, Golden Plains and Borough of Queenscliffe who did not exercise their democratic duty.

But first, the VEC this week began distributing “apparent failure to vote” notices that give offenders an opportunity to explain why.

“If you respond to the notice in writing with a valid reason and evidence, you are much more likely to be excused,” electoral commissioner Sven Bluemmel said.

This begs the question as to whether a squad of public servants will hit the ground to corroborate the excuses, which WTF imagines will range from the legitimate to expansive essays from self-described sovereign citizens.

For the record, the Golden Plains return rate of 85.9 per cent was the highest in the region, followed by the Borough of Queenscliffe (85.7 per cent), Surf Coast (82.2 per cent), and Greater Geelong (81.6 per cent).


WTF Free Pam at Grovedale Central Shopping Centre. Picture: Alan Barber
WTF Free Pam at Grovedale Central Shopping Centre. Picture: Alan Barber

They say every masterpiece has a cheap imitation.

A sentiment no different when it comes to much-hyped graffiti symbol Pam the Bird, who has appeared again in Geelong, albeit, in somewhat of a decrepit state.

The new Aldi-brand avian, spotted at Grovedale Plaza, pales in comparison to the Pam found perched high above the city on the Mercer St silos in December.

It’s hard to call this art. Picture: Alan Barber
It’s hard to call this art. Picture: Alan Barber

There is no question the original artist has nothing to do with this – aside from the fact it is a poor imitation, the alleged creator is in remand after being charged with more than 50 offences.

Indeed, this new Pam could be a protest of that arrest.

The statements “Free Pam” and #FreePAM25 appear on the wall.

Is this the act of an outraged citizen, someone with tongue-in-cheek humour, or just a vandal?


The High St service road near Kidman Ave.
The High St service road near Kidman Ave.

One way? No way!

At least that’s what one Belmont local thinks motorists flouting the law along a service road near his home are saying.

Emboldened by WTF’s exclusive report on recalcitrant motorists “abusing” Carr St near South Geelong station, our spy wanted to spotlight the service road along High St near Kidman Ave.

“Both sides of Kidman Ave display no entry and one way road signs,” he said.

“Yet a constant stream of lazy motorists exit the service road the wrong way.

“Doesn’t seem to matter what time of day, either, as the dangerous practice has had more close shaves than the man from Gillette!

“Any police officer looking to write a few fines out, only needs to park close by for a short time to fill his daily quota.”

We’ll pass it on.

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Originally published as WTF: Our cheering leaders, voting fines, scam Pam

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