
Prof Andrew Gunstone booed off stage amid Invasion Day speech

A Reconciliation Victoria leader was booed off stage at an Australia Day event at Anglesea.

Peter Yates AM shaking hands with Professor Andrew Gunstone. Picture: Supplied
Peter Yates AM shaking hands with Professor Andrew Gunstone. Picture: Supplied

The co-chairman of Reconciliation Victoria says he was heckled and booed off stage while speaking at an Australia Day event at Anglesea.

Professor Andrew Gunstone, also an academic at Federation University, said he was invited to speak at the Lions Club event on January 26 to talk about truth telling.

He said he left the event with a “heavy heart” as the audience seemed “restless”, “bored” and unable to engage with his attempt to educate people on modern day issues facing Indigenous people.

“What my speech was really about is that truth telling is important in this country,” Prof Gunstone said.

“January 26 is a day in which we should spend reflecting on reconciliation, truth and justice in this country.”

Prof Gunstone said he used the word invasion in his speech as he argues this is what occurred on January 26, 1788.

He said he doesn’t view that as a political statement but rather one of fact.

After being heckled and booed during his speech, he said he felt despondent.

“I left really disappointed,” he said.

But, Lions Club Anglesea president Adrian Hunter said Prof Gunstone “overstepped the line” when he brought politics into his speech.

“Anglesea Lions Club has been doing Australia Day for 35 years,” Mr Hunter said.

“We are an organisation that does not permit a platform for guest speakers to deliver political speeches.”

Mr Hunter said it was disappointing that some members of the community reacted the way they did, but asked “why someone would stir up the crowd by speaking about Invasion Day”.

“The people who were sitting there were not interested,” he said.

“They were coming down for Australia Day to celebrate … they weren’t there to hear about a’ yes vote’, or a ‘no vote’,” he said.

Surf Coast Australia Day ambassador Peter Yates spoke after Prof Gunstone and said he had no idea the event would turn into such a protest.

“The problem is, the previous speakers in each previous year have been thoughtful Indigenous people who’ve been helping to share with the community, their experiences, their concerns and their worries,” he said.

“It was nothing about truth telling.

“The topic of Australia Day has been made very controversial by our councils and I don’t think he realised his audience.”

Mr Yates said he apologised to Prof Gunstone on the community’s behalf and also shook his hand as a passing of peace.

“It was disappointing to see an invited speaker heckled off stage.

“It was actually quite embarrassing but apparently the rules of the Lions club are no political speeches. Prof Gunstone may not have known that,” he said.

Originally published as Prof Andrew Gunstone booed off stage amid Invasion Day speech

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