
Noah Martin pleads guilty to courthouse escape attempt, assault

Facing five months in prison, a Geelong crook tried to escape – and earned himself more time behind bars.

Arrested man in handcuffs with handcuffed hands behind back. Picture: iStock
Arrested man in handcuffs with handcuffed hands behind back. Picture: iStock

A drug-addicted crook sentenced to prison didn’t even make it out the courthouse door during a botched escape attempt, a court has heard.

Noah Martin, 22, appeared in Geelong Magistrates Court via videolink from Loddon Prison and pleaded guilty to attempting to escape custody and assaulting a police officer.

Charges of recklessly causing injury and unlawful assault were withdrawn.

The court heard Martin had just been sentenced to five months in prison on February 22, when he tried to escape.

Due to the botched escape attempt, Martin will have to spend an extra month behind bars.

Custody officers noticed him looking around Geelong Magistrates Court’s courtroom four following the sentence, with one officer moving to block the exit.

When a guard told Martin to put his hands behind his back so he could be cuffed, he made a break for it, rushing towards the exit.

He ran into the officer at the door, knocking him to the ground as guards managed to grab a hold of him.

Martin was detained, handcuffed and taken into custody.

The officer he assaulted reported a cut to his head and pain in his elbows and back.

The court heard Martin had written a letter of apology to the officer.

Martin’s lawyer, Alexander Good, told the court all of Martin’s behavioural issues were down to his drug use, and not an underlying mental health or psychiatric issue.

Mr Good said his client had shown remorse in pleading guilty at the earliest possible opportunity and writing the letter of apology.

He said Martin’s stint behind bars had been “insightful” and he was acutely aware of the effect his drug use had on him.

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The court heard Martin had an “extensive” criminal history for someone of his age, much of which was related to failure to comply with community corrections orders (CCOs).

He had been sentenced for such a breach when he decided to escape.

Mr Good asked magistrate Peter Mellas not to impose a prison term that would “crush” Martin, arguing his youth meant he still had prospects of rehabilitation and “just needs to avail himself”.

Mr Mellas said he wouldn’t consider a combination sentence involving a CCO, given Martin’s track record.

“You’ve shown time and again you’re not able to follow through with a corrections order,” he said.

Mr Mellas said Martin’s decision was a “very bad” and “ill-thought through” one, without regard for the consequences.

“You didn’t get very far,” he told Martin, noting Martin needed to “get on top” of his drug issues.

Mr Mellas said that he had to impose a sentence that would send a message and discourage others from offending in the same way.

Martin was convicted and sentenced to an additional 30 days in jail.

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Originally published as Noah Martin pleads guilty to courthouse escape attempt, assault

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