
Miracle bub marks first Christmas

The Winchelsea family of baby Evelyn Menzies, who was born weighing just 600g, will celebrate the resilient bub’s first Christmas after a rollercoaster year.

Danni O'Connell and David Menzies with Evelyn and Elsie Menzies. Evelyn Menzies' family gears up to celebrate the brave baby's first Xmas. Picture: David Smith
Danni O'Connell and David Menzies with Evelyn and Elsie Menzies. Evelyn Menzies' family gears up to celebrate the brave baby's first Xmas. Picture: David Smith

The Winchelsea family of baby Evelyn Menzies will celebrate the resilient bub’s first Christmas after a rollercoaster year.

Evy was born via emergency caesarean on April 3 at 29 weeks’ gestation, weighing just 602g.

Her parents did not know if she would be dead or alive.

She went on to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit for four months at the Royal Women’s Hospital.

Eventually Evy was transferred to the special care nursery at Geelong hospital for 10 days before being given the OK to go home in August.

This year both her mum and dad’s sides of the family will gather to celebrate Christmas Day lunch.

Mum Danni O’Connell said Evy was doing “great”.

Evelyn Menzies. Picture: David Smith
Evelyn Menzies. Picture: David Smith

She’s come off oxygen and being weaned off her feeding tube.

“She’s still quite tiny, she’s five kilos,” Ms O’Connell said.

Ms O’Connell said Evy had averaged one hospital admission per month since going home.

She said Evy was slightly developmentally delayed with tasks like sitting and rolling, but was working with a physio.

While Evy’s older sister Elsie, 2, is “petrified” of Santa, she loves elf on the shelf.

Ms O’Connell said it would be a very “thankful” Christmas.

“We’re really grateful for our little village that stood by us,” she said.

“We’ve just decided this year as a family it’s not about things, it’s about being able to spend time together.”

Originally published as Miracle bub marks first Christmas

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