
Council stats reveal development applications increased during 2020, despite impacts of COVID-19

New data from the Toowoomba Regional Council has shown development actually improved in 2020 when compared with the previous year.

Development in Toowoomba actually increased in 2020. Photo Bev Lacey
Development in Toowoomba actually increased in 2020. Photo Bev Lacey

Development across the Toowoomba region actually increased last year compared with 2019, running against the negative economic impacts brought on by COVID-19.

New statistics from the Toowoomba Regional Council’s planning department revealed more than 2700 development applications were received during 2020, up from about 2400 the year before.

The council also issued 2584 development approvals last year, up from 2308 approvals in 2019.

TRC planning and development general manager Stewart Somers said the figures might be surprising considering the negative economic sentiment last year.

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“The interesting figures relate to the calendar comparisons — we had 2738 development applications, compared with 2407 in 2019,” he said.

“Despite the fact it was a COVID-19 problem throughout most of the year, we had an increase in applications.”

Deputy Mayor Geoff McDonald speculated the increase in development could’ve correlated with the strong take-up of the Federal Government’s HomeBuilder grant scheme.

“It’s an example of how incentivisation can shift mood and actions, so it’s probably not a surprise,” he said.

During December, 80 housing and unit developments were approved by the council, with the value of the projects calculated at about $25 million.

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