
Councillor’s stance replacing Lakeside Drive fencing after mixed messages

A Townsville City councillor is calling for improved community consultation after the removal of a “very tired” timber fence in Idalia, which could end up costing ratepayers $150,000 to replace. See why.

Townsville City Councillor Brady Ellis said he knew the council could always improve with its consultation within the community, but he said it was a priority. Picture: Evan Morgan
Townsville City Councillor Brady Ellis said he knew the council could always improve with its consultation within the community, but he said it was a priority. Picture: Evan Morgan

A city councillor believes the Townsville City Council needs to improve on its community consultation after a fiasco involving the removal of a timber fence alongside an Idalia roadway, which could cost ratepayers $150,000 to replace.

Division 10 councillor Brady Ellis described the 300m fence in Lakeside Drive as “very tired” and “hideous” before it was pulled down by council staff in July.

While the community was officially alerted to the fence’s removal, to which one resident responded to, the operations team confused the issue by identifying the fence as being in Oonoonba Rd.

This was “technically correct” according to Mr Ellis but he said improved local knowledge would have enabled residents to identify the fencing and respond to its removal beforehand.

“I really hope not, it’s one thing that I am big on,” Mr Ellis said, when asked if this issue and increased paid parking measures were reflective of poor consultation from the council.

“But I know council doesn’t get it right all the time.

“I hope that we can keep getting better and better at it, because it is a valued part of what we do.”

State Member for Mundingburra, Les Walker, said the fencing needed to be replaced after a “long drawn out saga” involving poor community consultation. Picture: Shae Beplate.
State Member for Mundingburra, Les Walker, said the fencing needed to be replaced after a “long drawn out saga” involving poor community consultation. Picture: Shae Beplate.

Mr Ellis said there was no fixed quote for the fencing but said it would be reasonable to assume it would be $150,000, which was a figure given by Mundingburra MP Les Walker who had campaigned heavily to replace it.

The councillor said he would like the fence replaced but he also wanted it done to ensure its longevity.

“One big thing that I’m a fan of is let’s not put in the same thing that we had before, if in another 10 years we’ve got to rip it out and do this process again,” he said.

“Can we future proof it?

“Maybe we have to spend a little bit more now, but we’d be a little bit smarter about it so we get more years out of it.

“It doesn’t affect me on council but who knows, the person who is doing this job in 10 years, I don’t want to lump them with issues, I don’t want to lump ratepayers with issues, we’ve got to be sensible now.”

Mr Walker supported a petition brought before the Townsville City Council last month to replace the fencing, which raised 92 signatures from residents in the neighbourhood.

The locality of petitioners impressed Mr Ellis, given that past petitions included signatures from people outside the affected area.

Mr Walker urged for definitive commitment for the fencing, which he described “a long drawn out saga”.

“They pulled it down, just put it back,” he said.

“It’s simple and not complicated.”

Originally published as Councillor’s stance replacing Lakeside Drive fencing after mixed messages

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