
Councillors split over decision to buy more Highfields land

TOOWOOMBA Regional Council will spend more ratepayer money acquiring land in Highfields, six months after spending $7.5 million on a block in the suburb.

FILE PHOTO: The land on which the Highfields Sports Park is built was purchased by the council for $4.18 million in 2013. Council is looking to buy more land on Cronin Road. . Picture: Contributed
FILE PHOTO: The land on which the Highfields Sports Park is built was purchased by the council for $4.18 million in 2013. Council is looking to buy more land on Cronin Road. . Picture: Contributed

TOOWOOMBA Regional Council will spend more ratepayer money acquiring land in Highfields, six months after spending $7.5 million on a 19.69ha block in the middle of the growing suburb.

But the move to buy land on Cronin Rd wasn't well received by councillors Nancy Sommerfield, Anne Glasheen, Mike Williams, and Megan O'Hara Sullivan, who voted against the proposal.

The motion, which passed seven votes to four, was debated in a confidential session of Tuesday's ordinary council meeting.

It is believed the council is looking at buying land adjacent to the Highfields Sport and Recreation Park.

Toowoomba property developer Clive Berghofer is the owner of land on Cronin Road, next to the sports park, and said the council had approached him "a couple of months ago" about the purchase of land adjoining the park.

The decision prompted Cr Sommerfield to speak out on the issue of "land banking".

She pleaded with her colleagues "to stop spending so much money on land purchases for future potential use when we have so many other areas that need addressing".

"Funding needs to be going into our core business of roads, rates and rubbish. That's the basic stuff we need to be delivering, not just big shiny objects all the time," she said, adding there needed to be a more equitable spend across the region.

"Land banking with a specific strategy in mind is always helpful."

Cr Williams said he voted against the proposal because it didn't fit with an identified strategy of the council.

"Council should be buying land strategically and it has done on projects identified for community use, such as Gowrie Creek, or the escarpment, where identified strategies have been put in place, and the land has been purchased to fulfil that strategy.

"My concern is if we buy land without due consideration for the intended outcome or without an intended outcome... we're spending money that could be used for another project the community needs today.

"I don't mind if it's identified in a strategy but if we haven't done that work, we shouldn't be buying it on a whim."

Mayor Paul Antonio said the acquisition of land on Cronin Road would cater for demand for sporting, recreation and community.

"Council has a responsibility to provide for the sport and recreation needs of our community and to enable future generations to enjoy access to the required facilities and spaces to participate in their chosen activity," he said.

He added that the council had previously purchased land for future needs as part of recognising growth in areas to the west and south of Toowoomba.

Originally published as Councillors split over decision to buy more Highfields land

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