
Toowoomba Regional Council erect signs calling for Toowoomba to Brisbane fast rail

It worked for the second range crossing, and Toowoomba Regional Council is hoping it will work again, with signs now erected advocating for Toowoomba To Brisbane fast rail.

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Toowoomba Regional Council has upped the ante for a much-touted fast rail connection between the Garden City and Brisbane, with signage now erected calling for the service.

Earlier this year Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio introduced a motion at a council meeting to launch a formal fast rail campaign, with the signage one of the initial stages of the advocacy for the service.

Harking back to the success of the campaign for the $1.6 billion Toowoomba Bypass, that featured similar signage at the top of the range, Mr Antonio said the signs would send “a clear message” to other levels of government.

Signs have been erected at the top of the range by Toowoomba Regional Council, calling for progress towards a fast rail connection between Toowoomba and Brisbane.
Signs have been erected at the top of the range by Toowoomba Regional Council, calling for progress towards a fast rail connection between Toowoomba and Brisbane.

“While this signage will ensure the fast rail service stays in eye sight of everyone travelling up and down the Toowoomba Range, there is no doubt we need to continue speaking with the relevant State and Federal Government Ministers to push our case,” he said.

“As part of the Mayoral Minute I also raised the need to host a Toowoomba to Brisbane Fast Rail Forum, in collaboration with Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise, with this expected to take place during the first quarter of 2023.”

Up to $15 million for the development of a business case for an improved faster passenger rail between Toowoomba and Brisbane was committed by the Australian Government in 2018/19.

Mr Antonio said over the past 18 months the State Government has progressed this work and has completed a strategic business case which is currently being considered by the Australian Government and will lead to the development of a detailed business case.

“A fast rail service would open up so many opportunities for our Region and all the areas east and west of Toowoomba,” he said.

“While it’s been discussed for many years, we need to make sure the plans progress from an idea to reality and operating before the end of the decade.”

The idea of a 45-minute train ride from Toowoomba to Brisbane has been the dream of politicians and business leaders alike, with discussions ongoing for years without much to show for it.

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