
Prisoners can be a law unto themselves when it comes to dress

Lawyers can only work with what they’ve got and sometimes that’s not a lot.

There’s nothing like a read of Whispers on Saturday morning.
There’s nothing like a read of Whispers on Saturday morning.

LAWYERS can only work with what they’ve got and sometimes that’s not a lot.

Lawyer visiting his client in the Toowoomba watch house the day before he was to go on trial noted he was dressed in prison issue brown baggy trackies.

That’s hardly the attire to be wearing when sitting in the dock in front of a jury of your peers who are about to decide your fate.

The barrister and instructing solicitor asked if he had any other clothing as he couldn’t wear prison clobber in court during a trial.

“Yes,” he replied, and assured his legal team that he did indeed have another set of clothes.

Come the morning of the trial, the lawyers again visited their client in custody to find him wearing the same prison issue browns.

Told he should get into his other clothes as they were due in court in a matter of minutes, the prisoner then explained that the clothes he had in mind were the clothes he was wearing when he was arrested and they happened to be soaked in blood.

Not only that, but the clothes were locked away in an evidence room inside a police evidence bag.

The trial was delayed somewhat while the legal team frantically searched for some clothes for their client.

A couple of hours later, the defendant appeared in the dock in civilian clothes – and he was acquitted of the charge.


HUSBAND had done the right thing and offered to help with the grocery shopping this week at a Toowoomba store.

After completing the shopping he packed the groceries away in his wife’s car and then returned the shopping trolley to its bay and then returned to the car, climbed into the passenger seat, fastened his seat belt and waited for his wife to drive them home.

It was only after a few minutes that he realised his wife was still at home and he had driven to the store.

And yes, it’s a true story.


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