
April 1 – the day a COVID cluster came to the Garden City?

Whispers: Gossip and funny stories and moments from around Toowoomba and beyond.

Whispers: Gossip, funny stories and embarrassing moments from around Toowoomba and beyond.
Whispers: Gossip, funny stories and embarrassing moments from around Toowoomba and beyond.

Legal man about town known for his wicked sense of humour and cheeky pranks has outdone himself.

Walking his dog on Prince Henry Drive about 5.30am, April 1, he suddenly felt mischievous and, given the date, phoned a businessman mate.

He told the mate that, though there would be an official announcement from the government at 9am, Toowoomba had recorded six COVID cases overnight and that the Garden City was to join Brisbane in a complete lockdown for eight days.

Realising the legal man’s wife worked at a hospital, our man took this to be true and contacted his wife on the family farm who rushed to town to do a $500 shop before the official lockdown came in.

The bush telegraph soon sprang into action and neighbours of the farm did likewise.

Meanwhile, back at the businessman’s workshop, he had advised two staff members that they might have to be stood down for a week due to the pending lockdown.

Of course, when the 9am announcement came that all was well for Easter, our man was less than impressed with his legal eagle mate.

“You’d think he’d know the date,” the unrepentant legal man told Whispers.


TOOWOOMBA couple took in a trip to Sydney and decided to do some harbour snorkelling.

Both suffer from seasickness when on boats so the nurse among them packed seasickness tablets before they hit the high seas.

Unfortunately, halfway to their dive destination, she realised she’d left the tablets back at their hotel.

Whispers is told is was looong boat ride back to dry land for the pair.

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