

Cairns man Sven Buelow killed in Edge Hill unit fire

The man killed in a Cairns unit fire has been remembered as a hard worker and respected automotive detailer.

Man killed in house fire at Edge Hill, Cairns

The man killed in an Edge Hill unit fire has been remembered as a hard worker and respected automotive detailer.

The man aged in his 30s has been identified as Cairns man and employee of the iClean Carwash Sven Buelow.

iClean Carwash director Russell Keir said Mr Buelow was a respected member of the team and had worked as a car wash attendant for the past five years.

“He used to really love keeping the car wash nice and clean and he was generally a nice guy,” he said.

“And he used to be quite good as an automotive spray painter which was really good for us at the car wash.

Cairns man Sven Buelow was killed in a unit fire on Pease St, Edge Hill on March 20. Picture: Supplied
Cairns man Sven Buelow was killed in a unit fire on Pease St, Edge Hill on March 20. Picture: Supplied
iClean attendant Sven Buelow pictured in 2019 at the opening of the Anderson St business. PICTURE: BRENDAN RADKE
iClean attendant Sven Buelow pictured in 2019 at the opening of the Anderson St business. PICTURE: BRENDAN RADKE

“And the guys that work with him will sorely miss him.

“Our condolences to his partner.

“It’s not a great thing and a terrible situation for everybody.”

Police stated Mr Buelow was located dead inside the Pease St unit and no other occupants were inside at the time.

Queensland Police officers and fire fighters attend the scene of a fatal house fire that claimed the life of a man. Picture: Brendan Radke
Queensland Police officers and fire fighters attend the scene of a fatal house fire that claimed the life of a man. Picture: Brendan Radke

The unit where Mr Buelow died was “well-involved” when firefighters arrived at 7pm on Thursday night.

Its understood Mr Buelow’s two dogs were able to escape the burning building and were not hurt.

The fire required six fire crews to bring the blaze under control which was located across the road from the Edge Hill State School.

A man has died in unit fire near school. Picture: Supplied.
A man has died in unit fire near school. Picture: Supplied.

Multiple paramedics attended the scene along with five Queensland Fire and Rescue crews who brought the fire under control within 45 minutes.

A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesman confirmed a man had been assessed in a life-threatening condition but had died at the scene.

“Crews remained on scene until after 9pm,” he said.

Relatives of the deceased man speak to police at the scene. Picture: Brendan Radke
Relatives of the deceased man speak to police at the scene. Picture: Brendan Radke

“One patient was assessed in a life-threatening condition at 6.47pm.”

Initial reports confirmed the unit was heavily engulfed in flames, and emergency crews had conducted a primary search of the area.

Police vehicles remained at the scene on Friday morning. Picture: Brendan Radke
Police vehicles remained at the scene on Friday morning. Picture: Brendan Radke

The incident occurred near Edge Hill State School, but the QFD spokeswoman confirmed the school had not been affected by the fire.

Authorities are continuing investigations into the cause of the blaze.


Lifeline: 13 11 14 or

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or

MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78 or

Local support organisations

Dr Edward Koch Foundation: 4053 6757

United Care: 0459 299 147

Salvation Army: Cairns Corps 4051 2454

CentaCare: 4044 0130

Youth Empowered Towards Independence (YETI): 4051 4927

Originally published as Cairns man Sven Buelow killed in Edge Hill unit fire

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