
Bojangles managers say their CCTV challenges evidence police used to shut down their bar during curfew

The managers of one of the two pubs shut down in Alice Springs are searching for answers as to why police suspended their venue’s licence — with their CCTV showing a completely different version of events compared to police.

ALICE SPRINGS, MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024: Police on the beat in Alice Springs hours after Northern Territory Police Commissioner Michael Murphy enacted a 72-hour snap 10pm-6am curfew for all residents in the CBD after spates of violent incidents. Pictures: Gera Kazakov
ALICE SPRINGS, MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024: Police on the beat in Alice Springs hours after Northern Territory Police Commissioner Michael Murphy enacted a 72-hour snap 10pm-6am curfew for all residents in the CBD after spates of violent incidents. Pictures: Gera Kazakov

The managers of one of the pubs police issued with a temporary liquor suspension notice at the start of the Alice Springs curfew are questioning the evidence police used – with their CCTV cameras showing a different version of events to police.

Since Bojangles Saloon was issued with the suspension on Monday, July 8, managers Pearl Randhay and Rupinder Singh have trawled through their CCTV footage trying to find evidence which links their patrons to an alleged large-scale brawl which police say took place in front of the venue in the early hours of Sunday.

“We went to the footage again and again, again and again, towards the right hand side, towards the left hand side, we’ve got two cameras,” Ms Randhay said.

She said police came through the venue Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as part of their regular patrols – and didn’t inform them of any unrest that allegedly occurred across the road.

In the suspension notice – signed off by Northern Territory Police southern acting commander Drew Slape – police allege up to “100 persons were observed milling out the front of Bojangles and the adjoining premises” between 2am and 2.20am. 

The suspension notice then alleges these individuals, who had “just left the licensed premises”, began obstructing traffic on Todd Street, before moving onto the Alice Springs Town Council lawns across the road from the venue.

“These persons then became involved in numerous assaults, breaches of the peace and riotous behaviour,” the notice reads.

Police in attendance had to use capsicum spray to disperse the crowd, the notice reads.

But after reviewing their footage, Ms Randhay and Mr Singh agree there are many people out the front of their premises after closing – but their cameras don’t show any riotous behaviour.

The managers said the Bojangles CCTV footage showed punters leaving the pub at closing after enjoying a good night.

Bojangles has two cameras at the front of its premises: one faces Todd Street, angled towards Todd Mall; while the other faces towards Stott Terrace, capturing a segment of the Alice Springs Town Council lawns.

Ms Randhay and Mr Singh said the CCTV footage showed punters leaving the pub: some leave towards Todd Mall; others go in the direction of Stott Terrace; while others choose to cut through the council lawns.

The Alice Springs curfew notice – published in the Territory Government Gazette, and signed off by Territory police commissioner Michael Murphy – states that a civil disturbance occurred on Sunday morning which saw “dozens of persons fighting on Todd Street”.

Ms Randhay and Mr Singh said Bojangles CCTV showed a brief blue between what appeared to be two youths at 2.06am.

Ms Randhay and Mr Singh are adamant they are not their patrons.

Police are also visible in the CCTV at this time responding to a situation further down Todd Street, and the managers said in the CCTV appeared to be engaging a large group of youths.

Ms Randhay and Mr Singh are also adamant these are not Bojangles patrons.

A Police paddy wagon was also parked in front of the Alice Springs Town Council building from 2am, according to the Bojangles managers.

They said their CCTV showed it leaving at 2.33am, with the last of the Bojangles patrons vacating the area around 2.40am.

In the CCTV, the duo said that around 2.20am, a man walking by kicked the bin in front of the venue, before walking towards Todd Mall.

Where he comes from is disputed – all of Alice’s late venues shut at 2am, meaning he could also be a patron from The Rock bar or the Epilogue lounge.

NT News is not suggesting he is a patron of either of those venues or that he engaged in violent conduct, however, the managers said Bojangles CCTV did capture him kicking the bin.

They said the Bojangles CCTV showed minimal disruption to traffic on Todd Street, bar the occasional taxi stopping halfway in the bay to pick up a passenger.

Mr Singh said he asked the police to provide more detail around what happened out the front of Bojangles that night.

“We asked him if there was any patron from our venue, because he was saying they were all aggressive,” he said.

“Can you provide us any sort of detail – so we can ban him.”

He said the police refused to elaborate.

When NT News put questions to Territory police – such as if patrolling police passed on information of unrest out the front of Bojangles to management – the masthead was sent a statement from a spokesperson in response.

“In the early hours of Sunday morning, Northern Territory Police were notified of riotous behaviour by persons in the road and on the lawns along Todd Street,” the spokesperson said.

“Upon investigation, police identified that patrons of two licensed venues were involved in the disturbances. Section 258 of the Liquor Act has provisions allowing police to suspend the liquor license of premises.

“In this circumstance, more than one provision was met, and as a result the two licensed premises on Todd Street had their license suspended for 48 hours.

“Police regularly conduct proactive patrols throughout Alice Springs, day and night, and are dedicated to safeguarding public welfare and reducing alcohol-related harm in the community.”

Originally published as Bojangles managers say their CCTV challenges evidence police used to shut down their bar during curfew

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