New hybrid SUV to challenge Toyota
Australians who can’t afford electric cars but want to halve their fuel bills and lower their emissions now have another car to consider.
Australians who can’t afford electric cars but want to halve their fuel bills and lower their emissions now have another car to consider.
Drivers keen to get behind the wheel of one of the country’s most in demand electric cars are in for some luck as stock shortages ease. Find out which car is affected.
Drivers will be able to save some extra cash on electric cars after one big tax change.
A picture of an e-bike rider being fined by four police officers has sparked debate over whether Australia has become a nanny state.
Hyundai has just revealed its latest new car offensive, with grand plans that are sure to have a massive impact on your next new car.
A 22-year-old gamer who won a $1 million competition last year has just shocked the world with his latest grand achievement.
A Melbourne-based company is attracting interest from some of the world’s leading car companies after developing a world-first wheel design.
Electric vehicles are on the rise but one thing has been holding them back. Now an Australian company claims that’s no longer the case.
New report says Elon Musk is working on improvements to the Model S, which hasn’t had a major update since its launch in 2012.
There’s been a lot of debate about electrification, but the only way to get the real picture is to climb behind the wheel. Here’s the good, the bad and the ugly of owning an EV.
The tech billionaire’s electric car company Tesla has been promoting its self-driving cars for years. But now it’s hit a major snag.
Audi’s new electric SUV twins have arrived in Australia with plenty of luxury features and some groundbreaking tech.
Hyundai has revealed its electric future with some out-there ideas and stylish designs that are set to take the fight to the zero-emissions leaders such as Tesla and Porsche.
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