
My date gave me ‘the ick’ after doing this with our bill

“I was temporarily deaf from the thunderclap of my fanny slamming shut.”

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Image: iStock.

Online dating sure seems to have its challenges, and for one woman sharing her experience on Mumsnet, a second date disaster gave her ‘instant ick’.

“This afternoon, I went on a second date with a guy I met on Tinder,” the British woman shares in her post that now has hundreds of replies.

“[I] wasn't too sure after the first date, but I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.”

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"Instant ick!"

She explains they had a nice meal and that that the bill for food and drinks was in the region of £50 (equivalent to $100 Aussie dollars). 

“When it was time to pay, I placed £30 (cash) in the middle of the table on the basis of £25 for my share and a £5 tip (our shares of food and drink were pretty much 50/50). 

“He then proffered my £30 to the waiter, together with his credit card and said 'put £20 on my card'. So the poor waiting staff get no tip and my £5 effectively goes into his pocket! Uuuurgh - instant ick!”

The woman said that while she should have said something about the cheap act, she “just wanted to get the f**k away from the knuckle dragger ASAP! 

And she concludes she was “temporarily deaf from the thunderclap of my fanny slamming shut.”

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"A future life of celibacy"

Now the woman and original poster (OP) says she is happily snuggled up with her cat, some chocolate and “planning a Netflix binge, together with a future life of celibacy: Bliss!”

Her final remark is to simply ask if others in the chat have had similar bad experiences on dates and the comments do not disappoint. 

While many just offer sympathy with statements like, “what a weasel!” , “cheeky sod”, or “lucky escape!” others shared their own stories of bad dates,

One woman wrote: “I had a guy that sat and waited for his £2 change after we'd enjoyed drinks and lovely pizzas and had a very attentive waitress. I was mortified and said leave her the £2 take that out of my share.”

Another added: “An ex boyfriend and I were in a farm shop buying ingredients for dinner. He suddenly said 'who's paying for this?' I paid because I'm not cheap, but broke up not long after.

“He also used to make me drive places and I suspected it was just to save him petrol money. He had plenty of money but wanted to spend it all on his hobbies - his MG, fishing equipment etc. Bullet dodged.”

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"He got annoyed"

A third had the ick over a retracted tiny five pence (10 cents) tip.

“I went on a coffee date once and the server misheard my date and thought he said to put the 5p change in the tip jar. 

“He got annoyed at her apparent presumption and pompously took the 5p out of the jar. She apologised and explained she thought he meant to put the change in the jar and he put it back in, but it was too late by then. I had the ick good and proper.”

While a few posters pointed out that tipping culture is very different in the UK than in the US where tipping is mandatory, most agreed that it is still a common practice.

Finally, one commenter felt that maybe in this instance the OP should let her date know how she felt, in the interest of his education.

“Be honest with him. Against all odds he might learn something.”

Originally published as My date gave me ‘the ick’ after doing this with our bill

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