
'We want to name the baby after our mums - but only one is still alive'

"Yes, I'm resentful. He already gets to give the baby his surname, why also his living mum? "

What NOT to do when you're expecting!

A mum-to-be has hit a husband-shaped hurdle in her plan to name her child after her late mother.

With the baby due in August, she hopes to honour the grandmother her daughter will never meet.

““She will be our first and only child, as I have decided that I'm one and done at age 39 after two miscarriages,” the mother explained

“My mum passed away suddenly a few months before my first pregnancy.”  

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"He will not let this go"

Due to her loss, she wants to honour her mum by giving her child her mother’s name as a middle name—Jacqueline.

But her husband isn’t entirely on board—he wants their baby’s name to also include a tribute to his own mother.

“I can't stand either of her names—Judith Charmaine,” she admitted.

It has left the expectant mum scrambling to find a happy medium.

“He will not let this go, and I feel he will veto any other name I want to give my child," she shared.  

She wants her child’s first name to be hers alone and doesn’t like the idea of her sharing a name with a living relative.

 “I want my daughter to have a first name that is hers alone, that doesn’t connect her to anyone else and that she can define herself by,” she said. 

She also pointed out that her mother-in-law will be able to share a close bond with the child.

“My mother will never meet her only granddaughter. We live with my mother-in-law, and she will be a constant part of my daughter's life growing up. It doesn't seem entirely fair to me,” she revealed. 

Image: Instagram
Image: Instagram

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"Honour both mums, or neither"

The expectant mum turned to Reddit for help in finding a solution.

“I don’t think you will get anywhere without either going with no family names or both family names,” one commenter said.

“If the child has his surname, she already has a family name from him. So why shouldn't mum give her one, too? Two out of three names given by dad is not fair,” another pointed out. 

Others came to the defence of her husband’s mother

“Your husband's mum being alive doesn't mean he loves her any less, or she is any less worthy of honouring,” one person argued. 

But the poster responded: “It's more that it's very different naming a child for a person they will never get a chance to know or form a relationship with versus naming them after someone they see every day."

Originally published as 'We want to name the baby after our mums - but only one is still alive'

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