
Transition days from kindy to school are brutal - for me more than my daughter

"Mummy, am I going to school today? she asks me in her little voice that tugs at my heart."

Common myths of being a working parent

It’s the legs that do it.

They’re still so scrawny and babyish as they poke out from under my daughter’s brand new, ridiculously large school uniform.

Looking down at them, I take a deep breath and try to suppress my emotions.

“Stay cool,” I think to myself. “Keep it together.”

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"She's a 'big kid' but still a baby"

It’s transition day number one and my little girl is heading into the school yard.

Soon she will be a ‘big’ kid, but to me, she still seems so babyish. Every night she snuggles into my arms and sucks her thumb while simultaneously twirling a strand of hair as we read a story before bed. 

I’ve been through this before – our son is in Year 2 – but somehow the second time around isn’t any easier.

As we walk through the school gates hand in hand, I know that one chapter is closing and a new one is beginning.

Image: Melissa Noble
Image: Melissa Noble

RELATED: ‘I will be there for my son’s first day of school’

"There's a part of me that won't let go"

Up until this point, our family unit has been my daughter’s whole world. What she understands about life has been shaped entirely by her experiences with us, but that’s all about to change.

Soon there will be other influencers. Teachers will make an impact. Other students will help form her identity and inform her world view.

And all of that is of course completely normal, but there’s a part of me that struggles with letting go.

We walk into her new Foundation classroom and find a seat next to one of her kinder buddies. Thankfully there are several kids from kinder going to the same school.

Sitting on her tiny desk is her first ever piece of school work. The task: to draw her family.

My daughter gets busy bringing her creation to life. Rosey cheeks. Crowns for mummy and her. Her drawing tugs at my heartstrings and I know I have to make a move before I end up a hot mess.

Image: Melissa Noble
Image: Melissa Noble

RELATED: ‘Cherish every moment with your child before kindy’

"Mummy, am I going to school today?"

I tell her I’ll be waiting right outside when transition finishes. My daughter has always struggled with separation anxiety and as expected, she starts to get upset about me leaving.

I give her my car keys and assure her I’m not going anywhere. As I look into those big, beautiful hazel eyes, I hold out my baby finger for a pinky promise. She settles after that.

Outside, a bunch of parents wait and listen hopefully, as the Foundation teacher weaves her magic and has the preppies laughing in minutes.

When transition ends and I collect my daughter, there are a few tears, but all in all, she seems to have enjoyed the experience.

One thing that’s made transition so much easier is the care and support our school community provides to the kids. My daughter can’t wait to show me her bag of goodies – a book and textas, a welcome letter from her teacher and even a handmade cookie with her name on it.

The next morning, she bounces into our room and says, “Mummy, am I going to school today?” I explain that the next transition day is not until next week. She looks disappointed.

And just like that, I know that she will be just fine. And so will I.

Originally published as Transition days from kindy to school are brutal - for me more than my daughter

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