
To the man who said SAHM isn’t a real job, wanna swap for the day?

''I do all the daily house chores in no time, and other than that, all you have to do is watch your kid."

Parents furious after a childless bloke claims that being a stay-at-home mum is ‘not a real job’

Being a stay-at-home mum (SAHM) is probably the easiest job I’ve ever had. 

I love being able to lay on the couch all day and nap, have endless hours to watch TV and not have someone watch my every move demanding I do what they say.

To prove it, I’ve listed out everything I do on a standard SAHM day:

5:15 am: Baby wakes up for a feed

5:30 am: Put the baby back in her cot

5:45 am: Go to the gym

6:45 am: Drive home

7:00 am: Make breakfast for baby make a coffee and forget about it

7:30 am: Pick up all the mess baby made while eating 

7:40 am: Play with baby (Play includes stopping baby from eating the rug, jumping off the lounge, pulling the curtains, reaching through the baby gate to touch the dials on the oven, slamming doors, picking at corner protectors, licking the floor, ripping lounge cushions of the lounge, pushing the dining chairs up the hallway, ripping pages out of books and trying to eat the remote)

8:30 am: Breastfeed baby

8:45 am: Rock baby to sleep

9:00 am: Wash up from breakfast and drink cold coffee

9:15 am: Clean up the living room of toys, books, lounge cushions, dining chairs etc.

9:30 am: Do a load of laundry

9:45 am: Take food out of the freezer and prep for dinner. Make a shopping list for groceries.

9:55 am: Check emails and brush teeth/wash face. Pay any bills and schedule any appointments/social activities.

10:15 am: Hang out laundry

10:30 am: Get baby’s lunchbox packed, check baby bag is stocked with nappies, clean change of clothes, wipes, sunscreen.

10:35 am: Baby wakes up

10:40 am: Change baby’s nappy and dress for the day (may include constant rolling around on change table as if they want to plummet the 1m to the ground)

10:45 am: Grab the baby bag, keys, handbag, and phone and drive to the park to play

11:00 am: Play with baby at the park (which includes stoping her from licking the slide, pulling the hair of other babies, eating leaves, ripping hat off, crying when I won’t let her take rubbish out of the bin and falling down the stairs)

11:15 am: Change nappy and give baby a snack

11:45 am: Prepare baby’s lunch while playing

12:15 pm: Feed baby lunch and attempt to eat my own lunch with one hand

12:45 pm: Play with baby again (see 11:00 am)

1:00 pm: Put baby into the car and drive home to her screaming that we left the park

1:15 pm: Put on some music and play with the baby (See 7:40 am)

2:00 pm: Breastfeed baby

2:15 pm: Rock baby to sleep

3:30 pm: Baby wakes up

3:35 pm: Change baby's nappy and bring out of room to play

3:45 pm: Put on music and play with baby and try and write another article

4:15 pm: Give baby a snack

5:30 pm: Husband comes home 

5:45 pm: Cook baby’s dinner and give to husband to feed baby and bring in laundry

6:30 pm: Run bath for baby

6:45 pm: Storytime and quiet play

7:15 pm: Breastfeed baby

7:30 pm: Rock baby to sleep

7:45 pm: Cook dinner

8:15 pm: Eat dinner and catch up with husband

9:00 pm: Fold and put away laundry

09:30 pm: Have a shower and get into bed

12:00 am: Baby wakes for breastfeeding.

And repeat.

This is just a standard day without any appointments or errands to run. 

If we had to factor in grocery shopping or a doctor’s appointment we’ve got a whole other level of complexity to add.

So basically, as you can see, it’s a piece of cake… Are you catching my sarcasm?

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“It’s not a real job”

According to one childless man on Tiktok, whose video on how easy be a SAHM is going viral, being a SAHM is not a job but a privilege.

''I was laid off from work for four months, and I had to stay home, and it's the easiest s*** I've ever done in my life,'' Jared said in the video.

It’s at this point I wonder how one can possibly relate to being a SAHM (or parent/carer) without having any kids.

''I can do all the daily responsibilities that come with taking care of a house in no time, and then other than that, all you have to do is watch your kid,'' he added.

All I have to do is watch my kid… wow.

If I were unemployed and childless, I’d also find my day incredibly easy, but when you have a toddler whose mission is to turn every single item in your home into something dangerous/hazardous/life-threatening, it’s a different story.

RELATED: ‘Being a stay-at-home-mum is not for the weak’

This guy wouldn't last a whole day in my place. Source (L) TikTok (R) Supplied
This guy wouldn't last a whole day in my place. Source (L) TikTok (R) Supplied

Let the roasting begin

Thousands were quick to jump onto the video and roast, ahh I mean educate Jared on his incorrect opinions on motherhood.

''Wait a minute, stay-at-home mothers are watching TV and taking naps? I must be doing this wrong,” joked one mum.

''Someone leave him alone with at least two kids under five for a week and see how he does,'' added another.

One mum shared, ''I've been both. Being a stay a home [mum] is way harder.”

And my favourite comment, ''The audacity to think you just 'watch' your kids instead of raise your kids,'' someone corrected.

I do agree on one point, though

While I do agree being a SAHM is a privilege (one I don’t take lightly), it is no way easier than going to work outside the home.

My full-time office job wasn’t even comparable to being a SAHM and was a walk in the park.

No one in the office was licking carpet, sticking fingers and power sockets or throwing a tantrum because they weren’t allowed to put their fingerprints all over the TV– well no one I saw, anyway.

Originally published as To the man who said SAHM isn’t a real job, wanna swap for the day?

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