
Jealous new wife’s evil act harms stepdaughter and ruins her own marriage

"I'm so ashamed. I shouldn't have done it, because it can't be fixed. Ever."

Day in the life of a 20yo stepmum.

A 'new wife' has taken a major marriage dilemma to the internet because she knows she's made a big mistake - and has no idea how to fix things.


The 35-year-old explained that her husband is 45 and they've been together for four years.

Prior to that, his first wife had died from an illness. 

From all accounts she was the perfect wife and mother - as the late wife's and new husband's 17-year-old daughter now constantly reminds her.

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RELATED: I told my kids’ stepmum that my children aren’t hers

"I'm really jealous of his late wife"

The woman begins her post admitting that she has always felt the late wife's shadow, with her husband's family speaking lovingly of her, and their home covered in photos of their old family life.

"It never felt like my home," she says. Which is why they moved house recently.

But during the moving process, the new wife discovered that her husband was intending to move the boxes of old photos to their new home, as they had been packed in boxes.

This was even though her husband had promised to not bring the old memorabilia. Wanting a fresh start, the new wife threw out everything associated with the past, including books and photos.

She kept one photo of her stepdaughter with her mum.

"At the time, I felt like I won," she admitted.

But her plan came undone when her husband asked her where the old photos were, as they began to plan his daughter's 18th birthday party.

"I didn't want to lie directly to him, so I told him what I did. He's so angry with he won't even look at me. I'm 13 weeks pregnant and I can't handle the stress.

"He is devastated. Not only for his daughter, but also for himself. He won't sleep in the same room as me. I've apologised and told him how guilty I feel, but he doesn't care.

"He has asked me what he's supposed to tell his daughter about her party story board. I'm wondering - what if this is the end of my marriage?"

Image: iStock
Image: iStock

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"I would never forgive you"

The 1000 responses offered little comfort to the new wife.

"I am a widow, and I would never forgive someone for that. That is all he has of her. What are you jealous of, a ghost? …. So sad..Divorce 100%!" said one.

Another cruelly added, "Difference between ex and widow: He never fell out of love with her, he lost her."

Most people were outraged at the new wife's evil act towards the stepdaughter, with one saying, "This is the most horrific thing I’ve ever heard. You should be ashamed and there is no forgiving this. How could you do this to a child's mother?"

But then, this person made the point, "Wow. Even if they didn’t have kids together, those are memories he should be able to keep."

Tell us what you think of the new wife's act in the comments on Facebook, especially if you know how it feels to 'live in someone's shadow'.

Originally published as Jealous new wife’s evil act harms stepdaughter and ruins her own marriage

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