
Chilling video of 9yo girl followed by stranger is a warning to every parent

The horrifying footage shows that as she walks home from school, the predator closes in - but there's a plot twist. 

Man follows girl into building. Image: YouTube
Man follows girl into building. Image: YouTube

Shocking vision of a strange man following a young girl into her apartment block has resurfaced online.

The chilling clip first went viral about four years ago, when the incident was captured on CCTV. It's now making headlines again as a stark warning to parents to help their kids be aware when they're alone in public.

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He's right behind her

The video, from Russia, is from the perspective of a CCTV camera focused on the building's entrance.

It shows an adult male loitering near the doorsteps. He waits for the girl, wearing her backpack from school, to open the lobby door - and quickly grabs it and follows her in.

He's right behind her.

But not so close that he notices she sees him and only pretends to take the elevator; but actually, sneaks past him when he's waiting for it to come down.

Realising he's lost her, he freezes, then quickly leaves the building.

Remarkably, the end of the clip shows the man then running into the girl and what appears to be her father.

According to online reports, the man was located by authorities.

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"Listen to your 'creep alarm'"

YouTube channel Active Self Protection used the clip - viewed almost 4 million times - to help parents talk to their kids.

They say that kids should have their “creep alarm” on and that “if something feels wrong—it probably is wrong, and they should probably do something about it.”

The group also reassure parents that education about personal safety doesn't need to be alarming, just about awareness - and it should be age-appropriate.

Another of their safety tips was to tell children to ask themselves in that moment, "What would make me safer right now?"

The group finally tells parents to educate their kids on what a dangerous person can look like - and it isn't always someone who 'looks scary'. 

Man follows girl into building. Image: YouTube
Man follows girl into building. Image: YouTube
The girl finds her dad as the predator walks out. Image: YouTube
The girl finds her dad as the predator walks out. Image: YouTube

Talking about 'Stranger Danger'

The Health Direct website says, "Parents are often worried about ‘stranger danger’. But this is only a small part of keeping children safe from people who want to hurt them.

"More than 8 in 10 crimes against children are committed by someone they know, even relatives or friends. 

"Young children may not recognise when adults pose a threat. Most predators are likely to seem friendly, or they may try to entice children with a treat or a sad story. But children can learn to recognise and trust their own feelings."

It also stresses the importance of kids listening to their instincts, and being empowered to act by education from their parents.

For more information see: Keeping your kids safe | healthdirect

Originally published as Chilling video of 9yo girl followed by stranger is a warning to every parent

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