
'I’m raising my baby as a vegan so she doesn’t get endometriosis like me’

"Every parent does things in their own way, some force them to eat meat... and I force her to be vegan."

Raising babies vegan is ‘broken in the head’

Chloe-Elizabeth is going to great lengths to prevent her two-year-old daughter from developing the debilitating issue she is forced to live with.

The self-confessed 'modern mum' is raising Elizabeth-Hope as a vegan.

The British content creator suffers from chronic endometriosis and hopes that her baby's diet will prevent future health problems.

Worried that she would not be able to have children due to her condition, she had a baby at 17 and is now concerned her little girl will inherit the disease as it can be genetic.

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The teen mum is raising her two-year-old daughter as vegan. Source: Caters News
The teen mum is raising her two-year-old daughter as vegan. Source: Caters News

"I'm limiting the chance of my toddler getting endometriosis"

The mum claims that her vegan diet has helped counteract the symptoms of the chronic illness, and to prevent it from being passed down to her daughter, she will introduce the same logic to her toddler. 

“I'm vegan for my health, and there's a chance Elizabeth-Hope could also get endometriosis and polycystic ovaries as well, and I think there is a huge connection to fast food and hormones in meat and dairy to having these illnesses,” she explained. 

“If I limit the amount of hormone foods she eats, it will limit the chance of her having them, and it's better for you, and it's all amazing foods that are good for you with no guilt.”

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“If I limit the amount of hormone foods she eats, it will limit the chance of her having health conditions." Source: Caters News
“If I limit the amount of hormone foods she eats, it will limit the chance of her having health conditions." Source: Caters News

“I just brush negative comments away about veganism”

According to the mum-of-one, her daughter isn’t fussed about the diet.

“She eats everything! She loves pasta and any kind of fruit and vegetables,” she said. 

“For her first birthday, we did a cake smash, but she wouldn’t eat the cake, she just wanted the fruit off the top.”

Chloe-Elizabeth’s decision to raise her child as a vegan has resulted in judgement from others.

“I live my life, and I'm not bothered about other people's opinions unless there is evidence there, I just brush negative comments away,” she said, defending her actions. “I will just tell people to educate themselves.”

She further defended her parenting choice by comparing it to parents whose kids are meat-eaters.

“Every parent does things in their own way, some force them to eat meat, and I force her to be vegan," she said.

“These are choices I make for her now until she can make them herself, and I would support her with whatever she wants to do. I would support her if she wanted to eat meat as it's not my body.”

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The mum won't stop her daughter from eating meat when she's older. Source: Caters News
The mum won't stop her daughter from eating meat when she's older. Source: Caters News

"My 2yo doesn't watch TV or play on the iPad”

In addition to a particular diet, Chloe-Elizabeth doesn’t allow her child to watch TV or play on an iPad. Instead, she encourages her to play with toys and read books.

“I will let her watch TV, as long as she makes her own educated decisions when she's older.”

The mum clarified that her daughter’s lifestyle is active, playing on climbing frames and has “so many toys” in the house. 

“We love to read every night, and we spend time together. It's what kids would have done 50 years ago to keep them entertained, not the TV."

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Chloe-Elizabeth is teaching her mum about 'modern parenting'. Source: Caters News
Chloe-Elizabeth is teaching her mum about 'modern parenting'. Source: Caters News

"She's achieved milestones early due to a TV-free lifestyle"

Chloe-Elizabeth believes her daughter has already achieved milestones ahead of schedule due to her TV-free lifestyle. 

“Elizabeth-Hope has hadown  early development milestones, and I think it's because she isn’t sat in front of a TV,” she explained.

And she is even teaching her mother about being a ‘modern mum’. 

“I've got my own mum on board now too. She teaches me what she has learnt over the years, and I've taught her about modern parenting,” Chloe-Elizabeth said. 

“When I breastfed in public, my mum nearly had a heart attack because we were out in public, but now she gets it,”  she said. 

“If we're in a restaurant and we're eating, why can't my baby eat, too?”

Elizabeth-Hope’s food diary: 

Breakfast: Oats, yoghurt, fruit and chia seeds, breast milk

Lunch: Fruit snacks throughout the day, hummus and vegetables

Dinner: Homemade pasta sauce, avocado and lentils.

Originally published as 'I’m raising my baby as a vegan so she doesn’t get endometriosis like me’

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