

‘Alkaline juicing’ is all the rage

‘Alkaline juicing’ is all the rage

CELEBS have long spruiked the benefits of an alkaline diet. So it’s no surprise that two health trends have come together and behold: we have the ‘alkaline juicing’ craze.

Sleeping in could kill you

Sleeping in could kill you

A NEW study from the University of Sydney found that those who oversleep, over-sit and under-exercise are more than four times as likely to die early.

Meal plan: A week of healthy dinners

Meal plan: A week of healthy dinners

COMING up with a week’s worth of delicious, healthy dinners can be a strain. So we’ve found 7 excellent recipes for you (including Pete Evans’ Raw Rainbow Pad Thai).

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

COMING up with a week’s worth of interesting, delicious, healthy recipes can be a strain. So we’ve found seven excellent recipes to take the hard work out of meal planning.

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

COMING up with a week’s worth of delicious, healthy recipes can be a strain. So we’ve found seven excellent recipes to take the hard work out of meal planning.

‘My husband had HIV too’

‘My husband had HIV too’

WHEN Maggie Kneip heard that Charlie Sheen had finally spoken out confirming that he is HIV-positive, her heart went out to his ex-wife Brooke Mueller.

Food poisoning cases hit 17

Food poisoning cases hit 17

HEALTH officials have confirmed 17 cases of salmonella linked to high tea at a luxury hotel, after a pregnant woman fell sick and delivered a premature baby.

How unhealthy lunch boxes look

How unhealthy lunch boxes look

YOU may think you’ve got lunch boxes nailed. Pack a sandwich, a juice and a muesli bar, right? Wrong. Here are the mistakes parents are making.

The best food for exercise

The best food for exercise

WHETHER you are training for a marathon, or just keeping fit, the food you eat before and after exercise matters. And there are some surprising goodies on the list.

How much water should you drink?

How much water should you drink?

MANY of us are walking around in a constant state of dehydration, unaware of the health risk it poses. So how can you tell if you’re drinking enough of water?

Breaking your food addiction

Breaking your food addiction

WHETHER it’s chips, ice cream, chocolate, pizza, or even better, chocolate pizza, chances are we all have a food addiction. So how do you break it?

Is fruit making us fat?

Is fruit making us fat?

FRUIT has long been thought of as a healthy option, but new research into fructose has us confused. Is fruit actually contributing to obesity?

The big question about Belle

The big question about Belle

IT WAS all a lie. That much we know. Belle Gibson deceived her followers and got rich. But the question we all need to ask isn’t about that.

TASTE MATT PRESTON MARCH 3: Organic Breakfast Quinoa with Nuts Milk and Berries

What cereal should you be eating?

IT’S the most important meal of the day but couldn’t be more confusing. They all claim to have health benefits, but what cereal should you actually be eating?

The simplest way to lose weight

The simplest way to lose weight

IT’S the diet change that doesn’t require you to throw out your kitchen, ditch your favourite meals or lose your mind with cravings. It almost seems too simple.

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