
Erin Barrett asks for just 15 seconds of your time to raise awareness about ovarian cancer

ERIN Barrett isn’t famous, but her Facebook post was so powerful it caught the world’s attention.

WHEN Erin Barrett decided to take her personal battle with ovarian cancer to Facebook, she had no idea her message about the “silent killer” would go viral.

The 35-year-old mother of two — who lost her ovary and endured chemotherapy after being diagnosed with the disease in September — penned a Facebook post on December 23 to help raise awareness of the devastating disease.

The Vancouver resident encouraged women to discuss ovarian cancer with their friends and family and check for symptoms.

“They call [it] the silent killer,” Ms Barrett wrote.

Erin Barrett, before her diagnosis.
Erin Barrett, before her diagnosis.

“Take 15 seconds — that’s all it takes — to tell two or three women in your life about the symptoms. This could be your wife, your mother, your sister, your daughter — any woman you care about.”

At the conclusion of her post, Barrett — who works for a social shopping app — linked to an Ovarian Cancer charity that used to be one of her clients (“ya, I know, the coincidence blows,” she wryly noted).

The post has since been shared more than 250,000 times, with many more Facebook users praising Barrett’s message.

Erin Barrett’s Facebook post.
Erin Barrett’s Facebook post.

After her social media plea went viral, she was interviewed by The Province.

“It made me sort of a bit anxious putting it out in public like that,” she said.

But she felt a “moral and ethical responsibility” to post about the disease, because she considers herself lucky for being diagnosed at stage one — most women don’t get the diagnosis until stage three or four, when it’s often too late.

She was diagnosed early because she was in “overwhelming pain” during her second pregnancy, so her doctor ordered some scans. On September 21 he found the tumour, which was “bigger than a volleyball”.

Three days later they delivered her daughter Edie while also removing Barrett’s left ovary, Fallopian tube and the nearly 3kg tumour.

Erin Barrett and her son in 2014.
Erin Barrett and her son in 2014.

In response to the overwhelming support from the Facebook community, Ms Barrett wrote a follow-up post yesterday, announcing that she had just undergone her last chemotherapy session.

“I have received messages from women all over the world who have recognised themselves both in my story and in the symptoms. Hundreds of women have now made an appointment to see their doctor. I can’t imagine anything better. Well, not having cancer, that would be a bit better. But if even one woman is able to receive an early diagnosis then it will all be 100% worth it. Dodgy hair and all,” she wrote.

“I send you my thanks, my love, and my hope that for you and your family 2016 is a healthy and happy one.”

While she has finished with chemotherapy, Ms Barrett will begin radiation treatment in January to make sure the cancer hasn’t spread.

Erin Barrett’s recent Facebook post.
Erin Barrett’s recent Facebook post.

Ovarian cancer symptoms (as per the Cancer Council of NSW)

• a swollen, bloated abdomen

• pressure, discomfort or pain in the abdomen or pelvis

• heartburn and nausea

• changes in toilet habits (e.g. constipation, diarrhoea, frequent urination due to pressure, increased flatulence)

• tiredness and loss of appetite

• unexplained weight loss or weight gain

• changes in your menstrual pattern or postmenopausal bleeding or pain during sex.

If these symptoms are new for you or continue over a four-week period, make an appointment with your general practitioner. Having these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have cancer, but it is best to have a check-up.

Originally published as Erin Barrett asks for just 15 seconds of your time to raise awareness about ovarian cancer

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